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if you want people to care about you, act like an idiot. otherwise, don't expect much.
Oh, wow, OP got about 20 more followers since the last time I checked.
Edited by A Wild Sceptile: 11/25/2013 2:59:50 PMBut... I don't recall you ever posting outside of that thread.
Maybe Daz will pick up the Dark Userstyle script.
What is this "White" account? I've never seen you post with that account at all.
Uninstalled, then. I'm so glad that the responses you have gotten are what they are, and not "oh no! please don't! *followed*" You did great work, but any developer that acts like a needy teenager, I want nothing to do with.
What more gratification would forced followers even bring you
Meanwhile there are children starving to death in Africa.
...and that. There, you can't delete the "archives" now. [spoiler] [quote][u]The Other Archives Continued:[/u] [url=]Old forums and top topics part 1.[/url] [url=]Old forums and top topics part 2.[/url] [u]BNext Threads:[/u] [url=]How to slay Dragons.[/url] [url=]Triforce.[/url] [url=]Zalgo.[/url] [url=]Post your picture Sunny.[/url] [url=]The first kiss.[/url] [url=]Who wants to cuddle Recon?[/url] [url=]Charlie met your mom.[/url] [url=]Tricorn you say?[/url] [url=]The Marty Gathering.[/url] [url=]What do I do with my hands?[/url] [url=]Awkward PS4 Stage Photoshop Thread.[/url] [url=]Hingeheads.[/url] [url=]Image dump.[/url] [url=]Ban furries.[/url] [url=]Video game logic.[/url] [url=]It's a boy.[/url] [url=]5 day ban.[/url] [url=]Porn is for losers.[/url] [url=]Frozen.[/url] [url=]Flash drives.[/url] [url=]Muted.[/url] [url=]Last to post wins.[/url] [url=]Comment with no replies wins.[/url] [url=]The D.[/url] [url=]The real SecondClass.[/url] [url=]How to work the forums.[/url][/quote][/spoiler]
You actually gained followers from this? Pathetic sheep.
When your source of acceptance comes from Caucasian adolescents on a gaming forum, it's time to re-evaluate your priorities. Take a break.
I'm going to read through this thread one more time. This is just a goldmine.
lol I knew this dude would lose it some day.
So you are demanding followers? No matter the reason that is nothing but shameful. You created a cool userstyle that I enjoy using. You are doing this for the wrong reasons and and come off as a whiny child. You made the userstyle knowing you wouldn't gain tangible benefit, and now you are throwing a fit for not being popular. Not to mention 300 followers is a ridiculous goal. Most of the popular roleplayers and ninjas don't have that. The only people who can reliably get that high are some of the Bungie employees.
[quote] So you're just some loser holding this place hostage by deleting a website theme not many people care about, all because you don't feel popular enough on a video game forum. Yeah, this is beyond pathetic.[/quote]
[quote]So, here's the ultimatum, 300 followers by the end of the year or I remove every contribution that I can from this community.[/quote] I follow no one, and will not start because of a whiny rant from someone who thinks they are more important than everyone else. [quote]I have made themes they based profile backgrounds on[/quote] So? Did anyone ask you to? [quote]I also recreated the whole achrive of hilarity[/quote] *Archive And this affects me how? Again, was this by request? [quote] I even made sure the dark themes created back in the beta where updated to the most recent site iteration and greatly improved on the work of the beta's builds.[/quote] Don't care, I use the dark theme available through user settings. Why do you require 300 followers? If you were really that important in the eyes of others, don't you think that they would already be following you? Making childish demands because you feel as though no one cares about your 'contributions' to the site.... Contribute by not being [quote]gimmick posters, roleplayers, people who speak in third person, people who sign their posts, people who make poll threads about WWII Russia[/quote] And honestly, those are the least offensive by far of the crap that is posted on this site.
I'm on mobile, so I don't get anything from the background. I also agree, the famous people around here are neckbeards who sit on their computer all day. The oldfags on here will just bitch and complain about this post and the other ones will spam unfunny memes.
Oh no, he posted.
Real question - even if you got your 300 followers, what would that mean? Nothing special happens at 300 followers. You don't get a gold star next to your name. You don't get free shit from Bungie. All you get is a 300 next to the "followers" on your profile.
Want some cheese with your whine?
I'm relatively new to the site, so I have no knowledge of how things were. Of what style of threads were popular but I do know a few things. I do know that on not all of the threads are trash, followers don't mean shit anywhere on this site, and people don't like a whiner. If you want more positive recognition, keep making good content and updating the old. I've seen your threads on your dark theme and people praised you in the thread. I didn't see your archive thread but that was most definitely aimed at a niche crowd. So the praise should've been expected to be limited. From what little I knew, you [i]were[/i] a cool dude. Making stuff because you liked to better the community with content. If I had your skill, I wouldn't stop making sweet-ass swag for the users. But that just me, I wouldn't trade the respect of the members of the community that matter in exchange for a number.
Just delete it, Viltre. No need to attention whore for the followers. The site has gone to shit since the update. We lost way too many good people at the cost of some features that could have easily been introduced in the old website. Too many private groups tanked, and those that remain are barely alive as it is. As a result of that, even more quality members left. The mains are now filled with 12 year olds coming thanks to Destiny. This place isn´t going to get any better anytime soon if Bungie keeps on focusing on improving the mute system and how to search for threads (because even they know the mains are filled with garbage). If I were you, I´d just delete it and move on. I would have left this site a long time ago hadn´t it been for TFS.
Followers don't mean anything.
I agreed with you until you begged for followers. I would have preferred an ultimatum of people stop making parody posts and using attention whore gimmicks and require a support of increased moderation (if the mods wanted to do so). I have seen many times where people mock people for not using your dark theme, just because it isn't direct doesn't mean people don't appreciate it. Don't you realize you're being a hypocrite yourself by mocking attention whoring and then doing so yourself? You contributed and should be proud of that, your username being brought up more isn't going to change anything.
Can't say I've ever used any of the things you mentioned in your post. And honestly, I can't say I ever recall seeing you before, either. But it sucks to lose people from the community that aren't posting the crap that you mentioned. So dun go. I've made [url=]lots[/url] [url=]of[/url] [url=]stuff[/url] [url=]as[/url] [url=]well[/url] yet I have felt rather ignored of late. Want to know why I'm still here, though? Because... it's not to be recognized for stuff. It's because there are people whose company I enjoy. You should try and find that, friend. You'll be better off, I promise.