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Can't say I've ever used any of the things you mentioned in your post. And honestly, I can't say I ever recall seeing you before, either. But it sucks to lose people from the community that aren't posting the crap that you mentioned. So dun go. I've made [url=]lots[/url] [url=]of[/url] [url=]stuff[/url] [url=]as[/url] [url=]well[/url] yet I have felt rather ignored of late. Want to know why I'm still here, though? Because... it's not to be recognized for stuff. It's because there are people whose company I enjoy. You should try and find that, friend. You'll be better off, I promise.
Edited by qy: 11/26/2013 4:52:17 AM400th post winner! ^ this gal ^
[i] [/i]
Quick! Someone call the whaambulence!
omg, this thread is full of idiots. You people cannot take a joke and are being mean to Viltre for no reason. Completely turning on someone for no reason is seriously insane, you people should get some help because that is an awful mental condition to have.
Edited by Onion Beetle: 11/25/2013 7:18:56 PMAnd not a single -blam!- was given. muted.
Um... Thank you for trying... I'm sorry if seem rude but I do not know you nor do I care.. Good luck with your future endeavors...
Edited by Jotaro Kujo PhD: 11/25/2013 3:17:35 AMIf this is trolling, 10/10 this is clockman tier trolling If not, followers don't mean shit so grow up
God-tier trolling
pls gibe attentiona im babby. but srsly who r u?
[quote]Something I've greatly noticed about this place is that the people here, they don't care for the people who try to contribute here. The popular members here, what are they? They're gimmick posters, roleplayers, people who speak in third person, people who sign their posts, people who make poll threads about WWII Russia. Not the people that have literally spent months of their time to give to this shithole. I spent 5 months almost recreating the archive of hilarity and hardly anyone gave a damn about that. The dark theme which so many love, you know who the majority of you all contribute it to, "that guy." I don't even have a username to the good majority of the people here. [/quote] I agree! It makes me angry too, most people here are (i'm using getto language here) "begs". The only thing I don't get is, you are trying to become popular and this site and you are begging for followers, being part of a community doesn't mean you are going to become famous, you are trying to help the community in becoming famous. Stop looking at yourself like a king. No one has seen you post besides in this thread so that's a reason you don't have many followers, who cares about -blam!-ing followers anyway. I looked at the thread to do with the background you made and was thinking "man this guy is awesome, he is helping out the community and not demanding popularity from it" true fax. But now look at you.. We liked what you did but please don't act like this. Why the -blam!- do you care about followers so much anyway?! This is an ONLINE community, you do know that..right?!
You care this much about a worthless number? Ok, now all you've done is make nobody like you, good job.
I don't know what you came in here expecting, but I suspect you're going to get about the opposite coming in with that attitude. What should I say? That I appreciate you making this place better for other users? I haven't used any themes, yours or otherwise, and I'm sure that holds true for many people on here.
Your supposed to do it out of you actually wanting it, not for people to recognize it. Congrats, you made yourself look like someone wanting all the attention lol
The worst part is that he's gained about 15 followers after making this retarded thread.
I'll be your friend, Viltre.
Edited by Broseph Stalin: 11/25/2013 7:33:57 AM
Started a new topic: An ultimatum, I'm going to blow up someone's porch.(8 Replies))
Edited by KilljoyDetective: 11/25/2013 1:19:29 AMI'm going to make a few points on this so I'm not here all day. 1. I appreciated your Dark Theme, I like my title that shows my love to a game series, I love the dark and elegant look of everything, and I liked the True Mute part of it. Sometimes when I don't want to use Chrome for this site to see the Hidden Posts and what not, I'll go over onto Firefox just to post on this site with it. But what I don't get, is why you had this inherent attention drive for everything even after all the recognition you got in your Dark Theme thread. People were thanking you, commenting on way's to improve it, and admiring how it looks. Did that not matter at all? Or was it not enough? 2. Your alt "White", I saw it around a few times, but it's not as if you were spouting divine wisdom passed down from my lord Haruhi or anything, you were making normal posts, in normal threads. There was nothing in any of the ones that I saw that was so magnificent that I needed to bow down to you and make sure I was following that account. Nothing at all, and your Unique ID was something similar to another user on this site, so I had thought it was just that guy who had kids and bragged about his wife all the time. You don't have either, so how was anyone supposed to notice you under some alt when you did nothing tremendous enough to get noticed on it? 3. Your attitude though is really terrible about this, I don't condone those that are tearing you a new one and cursing you out, but you did nothing good today. Holding a great product hostage because it didn't get you the absurdly high amount of recognition you wanted is no one's fault. You got recognition, and you got some attention. History will not always remember those who commit something to it, you may make a mark, you may leave a legacy, but one day you will die, and you will be nothing but some ink marks in a book by the end of it. Making the best of your talents and your abilities is what matters, maybe you won't always get exactly what you want, but at least you would have given something to the world or community, and know that you did it. If that isn't good enough for you, I'm sorry, but you've made nothing but enemies today. I'm keeping the Theme on for the time being, maybe you will change your mind about this "Ultimatum" later on, but nonetheless, I am diasppoint.
This thread is absurd and you're only making yourself look a crybaby in every sense of the word - please stop doing this.
Edited by Decimator Omega: 11/28/2013 6:49:46 AMTo hell with it. And people say I take shit way to seriously.....
>OP hasn't replied to a single post here lolol
I [i]would[/i] say troll, but he's been building towards this for a while.
What makes you think you deserve 300 followers just because you created a theme and the archives? Why do you even care about followers and what makes you think their even relevant in the first place? You rarely ever post and yet you wonder why you don't have many followers. This is easily one the most pathetic threads I've had the displeasure of participating in just because the OP wants a bigger magic number under his name. But at least you're getting all the attention you want now, though not in a positive way. Needless to say, this thread completely backfired on you, with people uninstalling your theme, unfollowing and just plain shitting on you. Good job anyway, OP. You've actually managed to create a name for yourself. As you're laughed out of this thread and this forum in general, you'll just be remembered as the whiny little bitch who didn't have enough followers to appreciate his small contributions to this site. This thread should ironically, be put in the archives.
If you're trying to troll me I feel bad for you son. I've got 99 jimmies and your post rustled none.
I still can't tell if this is a troll thread or not. There's no way someone cares this much about followers.
I don't use the dark theme. And I don't know what the archive thing is. So, go ahead.