It boggles my mind that this isn't talked about more. The cost of vet bills has been on the rise for decades for no good reason. If you are against Universal Pet Healthcare (UPH) you are discriminating against poor pet owners and in favor of animal cruelty.
If people can't afford their pet meds they are more likely to take their pet out back like old yeller and off the animal rather than being forced into debt for the treatments it needs. Since pets are part of our family I suggest amending the constitution to include pets too. As time progresses the inclusion of pets in families has dramatically increased and it only makes sense to include them.
"B-b-but animals can't consent!"
Bullshit. By anti-pet constitutional rights advocates logic, blind deaf mute vegetables don't deserve our god given constitutional rights either. Yeah let's see you try and defend your moral inferior position now.
Regardless, pets CAN consent. When I ask Walter if he wants his belly rubbed he gets and his back and looks me in the eye practically saying "rub the shit out of me Scott".
Below I have listed 8 reasons for UPH.
1. The number of uninsured U.S. pets has grown to over 45 million (although this number includes illegal pets, etc.).
2. Pet Health care has become increasingly unaffordable for businesses and individuals.
3. We can eliminate wasteful inefficiencies such as duplicate paper work, claim approval, insurance submission, etc.
4. We can develop a centralized national database which makes diagnosis and treatment easier for vets.
5. Medical professionals can concentrate on healing your 4 legged family member rather than on insurance procedures, malpractice liability, etc.
6. Free medical services would encourage pet owners to practice preventive medicine and inquire about problems early when treatment will be light; currently, they often avoid physicals and other preventive measures because of the costs.
7. People will have an easier time starting their own business or working part-time if pet health insurance is covered.
8. Pets with pre-existing conditions can still get health coverage.
It's just common sense people. 2013 and still animals are uninsured.