Why do you believe in aliens but not the supernatural?
Because life would be boring without something more? I don't know man just 'cause...
What's more likely, that you were created for some unknown purpose by a sentient being that commands and preaches morale, but never interferes against crimes to it... ...Or that somewhere out there, in the literally endless star systems of the entire existence, on a planet with similar conditions as ours, there are others like us?
What a stupid-ass thread.
Because aliens have evidence for their existence (Us) and there is no evidence to support the existence of a god or gods.
What if an alien god made the universe?
I believe in both.
Why does it matter what other people believe in?
I still haven't had many good explanations. Neither have shown up, yet people choose to believe in green men who sitll had to have started somewhere
There's no evidence for God. We are evidence that there could be life in the galaxy.
What of they're one and the same?
Aliens are far more probable, but neither have been proven.
The belief in aliens is usually born of logic.
Aliens are probably real, Gods probably aren't.
Because these so called "Gods" were simply lies made by the prophets.
There is no evidence of god. There is evidence that intelligent life can flourish on a planet orbiting at a correct distance from a star.
[quote]Why do you believe in aliens[/quote] What Nitron said
If I start believing in "God" then I might as well start believing in the tooth fairy and Santa.
Aliens are imagined as a living being that don't exist on Earth but on another planet. God's are imagined to exist in another realm with powers to destroy and create life and who have differing personality's or roles depending on the religion. Those personality's or roles do not reflect in every day life so we dismiss the existence of them, after all how can the Christian god be omnipotent yet is under able to kill/stop Satan and if the commandments say "We shall not kill" why are we able to ask for forgiveness to enter heaven? Last I checked every action has a consequence yet gods seem to tell us, it doesn't matter what you do, you will enter heaven anyway if you bow down to me/ask forgiveness. So yea one is a load of bollocks and one is actually a possibility.
I'm sorry, but I can't believe in a god who punishes people for being homosexual. I am not gay myself, but I believe that everyone has the right to love what ever gender they want. Oh and also, god hates you for making this post. lol
Any intelligent life that doesn't originate from Earth is considered alien, and given just how unfathomably large the universe the existence of alien life is undeniable. There must be at least thousands of different planets in this galaxy alone that are very similar to Earth, and would thus be capable of supporting alien life. God, on the other hand, suspends my belief due to the lack of evidence for such existence and the fact that he is very likely an idea of humanity.
Not sure if this can even be classified as trolling.
Because we are here. Statistically the chances are as close to 100% as possible that there are other planets that have the exact same conditions as earth.
There's an I don't believe in either option, a meh option, and a both option, where's the I believe in gods but not aliens option? I don't believe in Gods, but I believe in aliens... Bacteria that is.
Because I'm educated and only trust facts.