I know none of you probably want to help, but I'm building a PC. Trying to keep the budget under a thousand dollars but keeping my GPU performance relatively high is probably my biggest concern. Right now I have a build that's over a thousand but seems to fit very well otherwise, I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions to cut back on the cost. The build is [url=http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2d9Wk]here[/url] (hopefully the link works)
Any suggestions?
EDIT: Please note that I already have a monitor, mouse pad, and mouse.
EDIT: Fixed the RAM, should run at an appropriate voltage.
EDIT: Fixed up my build, cut about $200 off :D
EDIT: TopWargamer has provided a good build [url=http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2d8KG]here[/url]. It looks good but I'm probably leaning towards a modular PSU to help with cable management.
Edited by Bandi: 12/2/2013 4:04:46 AMFind a slightly cheaper mobo and get a case that prioritizes cable management and you'll probably cut $125 right there Try getting the OS for free... yeah good luck with that You don't really need the optical drive since Steam's all downloads and even the newest Office Suite is all digital, but if you want one, get one that's cheaper than that, you don't need Blu-Ray You'll only need the aftermarket cooler if you're overclocking, if not, scrap it Edit: Doubt you'll need a gaming keyboard, too