I know none of you probably want to help, but I'm building a PC. Trying to keep the budget under a thousand dollars but keeping my GPU performance relatively high is probably my biggest concern. Right now I have a build that's over a thousand but seems to fit very well otherwise, I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions to cut back on the cost. The build is [url=http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2d9Wk]here[/url] (hopefully the link works)
Any suggestions?
EDIT: Please note that I already have a monitor, mouse pad, and mouse.
EDIT: Fixed the RAM, should run at an appropriate voltage.
EDIT: Fixed up my build, cut about $200 off :D
EDIT: TopWargamer has provided a good build [url=http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2d8KG]here[/url]. It looks good but I'm probably leaning towards a modular PSU to help with cable management.
I was thinking of putting together a PC, but all this sounds really complicated. Is putting one together as difficult as this thread is making it seem?