I can't really explain The Stanley Parable, but you need to try it out. It's 40% off on steam right now and worth every penny.
[quote]I can't really explain The Stanley Parable, but you need to try it out.[/quote]Stanely considered whether he should follow the directions of this complete stranger on the internet. "What could it hurt?" he thought. Maybe he would enjoy this game he knew nothing about. And at 40% off it sounded like quite a deal. Then again, how good could a game be when it was being recommended by a person named "WeededDragon"? Stanely was conflicted....but in the end he decided to give the game a chance. But why would he do this? What enjoyment could he possibly get from playing this meaningless game? Why must we do this every time Stanely? hmmmm? Why can't we just play normal games like everyone else? Must it always be 'setting babies on fire' & 'sitting in janitor closets' with you Stanely? *sigh* Lets get this over with. Stanely downloaded 'The Stanely Parable'.