originally posted in:Secular Sevens
So a teen got arrested because he made an offensive comment regarding a tragic helicopter crash.
The imgur.com link is the tweet in question. You'll notice that in America almost every news article headlining a tragic event will have comments similar to the one I linked. They get downvoted and attacked with hostile replies. Yet they never got arrested. Anyways a guy by the username of Orsenfelt responded to the arrest with a long, but strong rant.
[quote]I'm getting so tired of this shit.
It's just an internet comment, a small string of 1's and 0's somebody bashed together in half a second on a virtual world that doesn't really exist. Words can't describe how meaningless it is. It's like walking down the street and seeing a little strip of paper with "-blam!- you, -blam!-" written on it. It shouldn't make you cry. Are you really such a weak minded person that an anonymous comment collapses your world? Come on.
If you don't like it, don't read it. Especially on Twitter, you don't have to follow the -blam!-.. it's not like he's on a plynth outside the bloody pub. Or write an equally meaningless comment back. None of it matters. Not only that but wishing for something doesn't actually effect reality you precious -blam!-wits. If I hope all the children die in fires tomorrow it doesn't make it more likely, I'm not actually causing anything.. you're just a -blam!-ing idiot.
You can block him, you can get Twitter to ban him or you can take the most effective route and stop letting the stupid meaningless shit other people say have such a dramatic effect on your life because that's the reason they do it. You're just making it worse for yourself, you're painting a big target on your back and telling the world that if they say nasty things on t'internet you'll go off the bloody rails. "I'm a bear and I'll go mental if you poke me with a stick". What the -blam!- do you think is about to happen? poke.
"Don't feed the trolls" was correct in 1993 and it's correct now, they exist because you completely over-react to the things they say. They find it funny that you let it bother you, they understand how uncontrollable and lawless the internet is, they understand how all information on it is treated equally and how you need to be your own content filter.
Also, his message might be offensive but it's just as -blam!-ing pointless as all the people in all the places who type "My condolences". It's just -blam!-ing babble to make us feel better, do we really need to all get together and tell each other just how tragic a helicopter crashing into a pub is? I'm sure we all -blam!-ing know, call it instinct. He's just not joining in on the national circlejerk of sadness, instead he's attacking it. Boo -blam!-ing hoo. You don't get to be right just because you claim you are more honest, solemn, charitable or polite than other people that's -blam!-ing stupid.
"I'm really nice to my granny and you're not, therefor my stance on healthcare is correct. I really honestly deep in my heart of hearts believe it to be true also, so that that makes me double correct!". That's not how it works shitstain.
Call him an arse, shun him from society, spread rumors that he's got nasty diseases.. fine.. He's a -blam!- but I will defend his right to be a -blam!- until the day I die because at some point all this moral majority shite will turn on something you like, you'll have the minority opinion, you'll be the 'horrible' one and I hope someone will stand up for your right to be different from everyone else.
I could place a link right here in this comment to imgur and until you click it and you see the contents you won't know if it's cute or disgusting. That's powerful, it's the first time in human history we can really do that. Newspapers, TV shows, Books, Music.. they all have editors. They all have people smoothing the edges off reality to make it palatable. Not anymore. We have accidentally invented near absolute free speech, I can almost literally beam an idea from my brain to yours, with no interruptions, no judgements, no filters and with no information lost.. how amazing is that? Yet these -blam!-ers want it taken away because "that man said a nasty thing"? -blam!- them.[/quote]
Any thoughts?
PS: What's a mongo?
EDIT: Okay now I know what a mongo is.
Mama-police ! Dada-police ! Come save me, mama-dada-police ! He said something I don't like !
Yeah the kid's either an insensitive turd, or a troll. Either way, grow up and ignore it.
Edited by Alice Glass: 12/9/2013 8:04:36 PMlmao at people who say he should have been arrested "Freedom of speech" I swear some of you guys want to live in [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] Germany (lmao at the notzi censor)
Well at first I thought this was wrong, but then I read his rant and his comment. He probably deserves it. The title should be "internet tough guy gets arrested, whines when he is called out."
[quote]I'm getting so tired of this shit. It's just an internet comment, a small string of 1's and 0's [/quote] It's not a string of 1's and 0's, it's a string of hateful words. Words have incredible power in our world, speak the right set of words to the right set of people and you can change the world for better or worse. This has been proven countless times throughout history. Millions of people access the internet everyday, who knows how many people saw and will see what he wrote and each of the people who saw what he wrote have a different opinion on what they see. There are people who I can't possibly understand why they think a certain way or why they see something a certain way. His words will affect each person a different way, and while I don't think he'll be starting a WW3 with his comment, his words will and probably have strongly affected someone for the worst.
lol europeans. A teenager said something "offensive" online! Make him pay fines!!!
Edited by challengerX: 12/3/2013 11:55:05 AMFree speech is one thing. Hate speech is something different entirely. This man's excuse is "OH WELL ONE DAY TEH GUD OPINIONS R GUN BE TEH BAD MINORITY ONES SO DEN HOW R U GUN FEEL" That isn't going to happen. That Orwellian future would never exist because of the internet itself. I can't stand these [b]f[/b]ucking fear mongering jackasses. If you're going to be a racist piece of shit you deserve some community service hours or a fine. No, words on a screen are not just 1's and 0's. They have meaning. Sure, people could be more thick skinned, but why not punish someone for being a dick in the first place? Why should we have to ignore these people when we should be fixing the problem itself? And apparently being respectful is not an option for this fine fellow, otherwise you'd be joining in on the "national circle jerk of sadness". Yeah, it's much better to laugh at the people who died and hope they landed on a bar with a specific race of people you don't like because you're an ignorant piece of trash. [b]F[/b]uck both these guys. They both need an ass whooping to learn some respect.
[quote]It's just an internet comment, a small string of 1's and 0's somebody bashed together in half a second on a virtual world that doesn't really exist.[/quote]I really, really, [i]really[/i] hate it when people justify the things they see on their computer screen as "just 1's and 0's" because it implies that those "1's and 0's", even though they are only bits, don't carry some kind of meaning. It's true that by themselves they probably don't, but when those bits are put into a specific context, like an Internet comment, they [i]do[/i] carry meaning, just like this post. When I get an invoice from my ISP, I can't say "these things you sent me are just 1's and 0's; you didn't send me an invoice, so I don't need to pay anything". Or "your honour, I didn't post libellous remarks, only 1's and 0's". 0x31, 0x30
Is the qoute above the comment that got him arrested OP?
[i] [/i]
Edited by Bolt: 12/3/2013 11:49:56 PM[url=http://www.bungie.net/7_Censorship-is-the-more-insidious-side-of-Propagand/en/Forum/Post?id=62275533#referred-OffTopic%20%28Offtopic%29]I had a similar rant on here once.[/url] In short, I really agree with the end of this rant. If you allow some thoughts and expressions to be made illegal, you've made all thought and expression more vulnerable.
I think the internet [u]should[/u] be policed. It's not a meaningless abstraction, but a physical artefact with great sway on human lives. It seems absolutely absurd to me that the wires and machines of the internet are policed, and this is accepted without deviation, but people rebel at the idea of policing the content that travels through those wires and to those machines! If one intends to disturb the peace they should be susceptible to punishment, regardless of method. The internet is new, and trolling has become a pastime for many, but things will change. Spiteful comments are not expressions of thought, they're knee-jerk reactions. Not at all worth preserving.
Well I guess this shows you have to be careful when posting on the internet
Edited by Big Brit: 12/4/2013 12:38:05 AMHere's the thing that gets me, see I could see this as perfectly fine, if it wasn't for the hypocrisy of the arrest. The KKK is a completely legal group, basically consisting of Whites hating on blacks, jews, etc, etc. Are they shunned? Yes. Is anything done about them? No. The same goes for westboro baptist church, all they seem to do is attack others in a more violent way than this teenager. they actually go to funerals in front of families and hold hate signs up in from of them. Are they shunned? Yes. Is anything done about them? No. How is it ok to arrest this ignorant child who is ranting on the internet, and saying dumb shit just as bad as the off-topic forum on this website does, and get arrested. Yet groups completely created for the sole purpose of killing, hating, and discriminating the exact same groups, and more as this kid has, and they are completely legal, going as far as being protected by the police. If we are going to say that anybody who posts something racist, wishes somebody dead, or something downright wrong in the eyes of humanity such as this, then 90% of the off-topic are now criminals that should be tried in court. [b]Yes, I know this article was about the UK, but this has happened in the US as well, it's completely stupid anywhere it happens.[/b]
This is literally thoughtcrime...WHY IS THIS ALLOWED TO HAPPEN?
[quote] posting sectarian and racist comments[/quote] This was why he was arrested, posting a sectarian comment (hate between Catholics and Protestants is a big problem in Glasgow) not because he made a helicopter joke.
[quote] It's just an internet comment, a small string of 1's and 0's somebody bashed together in half a second on a virtual world that doesn't really exist. Words can't describe how meaningless it is. It's like walking down the street and seeing a little strip of paper with "-blam!- you, -blam!-" written on it. [/quote] That's like saying paper money is worthless. Comments like these alongside most others that mention "a bunch of pixels" annoy me to no end.
So what is a mongo?
I really don't care if people actually have consequences for what they say online. It's quite entertains to see people post a disgusting amount of hatred and insensitive remarks and then not get away with it. It's like people are being punished for a certain type of stupidity. I don't think everyone should be arrested but I wouldn't be against them drawing a name out of a hat and paying the jerk a visit. Maybe that will encourage people to act like humans and not filthy neckbeards in their parents basement. /rant
Well that came crashing down on him.
Maybe he meant a pub of Fenian raiding party members, or a pub of African vaginas, or you know, some police.
The UK is oversensitive to things like this. It's like they cannot believe humans would ever be mean. Get a -blam!-ing grip.
LOL at UK and their limited speech freedom. Meanwhile I'm gonna go on my twitter account and post how I'm wish a [insert random religious/minority school here] gets blown to Hell, and I'll sit back and relax as the police will do nothing because I have every right to say it. Wont be long before you Britbongs get arrested for thought crime, while I lay down and enjoy freedom land letting me say whatever the Hell I want regardless of how offensive it may be.
that is funny someone got butthurt enough over computer screen text to arrest him for it. They need to get a life. Pretty sure half the flood would be arrested if lunatics like that were allowed to arrest anyone for nonsense.