It seemed like he was on a while ago. Does he still come here?
Anyone know his account?
Offtopic but can't wait for his new show coming soon.
If you don't know who he is, don't comment.
He's still a thing?
Edited by afanoflafear: 8/11/2014 3:21:39 AMhaven't seen him post in a while hopefully there'll be more replies by: * Bleeeeeeeeeeeeee * EpicWaffles * petiminou * Xeno Prodigy * Master Of Posts * deadlyfluffball * Creeper * RandomRagingBear * A Painful Crap * idiotsbuyCOD * Vien Quitonm * captain cold kid * Simse11 * F 2the UCK * Oh GodLike One * Uncle OG Ruckus * A LITTLE COWPIE * Space Whale * Halo Before Hoes * FOMAN LICKS DICK * Frasier Crane
Probably not.
I sent him a friend request years ago, but he never responded.
[url=]At least he still has his Newgrounds account.[/url]
There has been famous users from time to time. I remember one dude that was on here and everyone made a bunch of emoticons out of spawns in his name. It was very annoying, I also do not consider anyone from Waypoint community famous, especially the news writer (community not BS Angel). As he stole ideas from someone else, first of the many that shows how trashy Waypoint's community is.
He's making another show? It's as if arby and the chief weren't crappy enough.
BEGINNING TRANSMISSION: (Low melodious hum.) "The world may never know." ENDING TRANSMISSION:
The rofl knife demands blood.
Arby N Teh Chief Was 1337
He was a bit of a douche but he still made good shows. Didn't realize he was still doing it.
Who are them?
I remember getting into a Halo 3 match with him and ZeRoyalViking (the guy who made the Shishka/H4x 4 lyfe 69 machinimas), it was too much for my 15 year old's inner fanboy back then. Miss Arby 'n' the Chief, but what a [i]fantastic[/i] run that show had (except for the LA series which we don't talk about).
Edited by Decimator Omega: 12/4/2013 8:05:46 AMLast time I did some stalking back here in 09, he's username was Jon CJ Gram. His account got deleted the last time I checked which was in early 2010. His forum posts were rather small. I think he only made like 4 posts.
What's his new show?
I'm sure he used to when this place wasn't filled with shitspam.