[url=http://www.quartzcrusher.net/zenith-solution/iron-ore-processing-equipment.html]Mining Iron Ore [/url]
Mining iron ore begins at ground level. Taconite is identified by diamond drilling core samples on a grid hundreds of feet into the earth. Taconite rock comprises about 28 percent iron; the rest is sand or silica. These samples are analyzed and categorized so that mining engineers can accurately develop a mine
plan. To uncover taconite reserves, the mine area is first "stripped" of the overburden or glacial drift, comprised primarily of rock, clay and gravel. The overburden is loaded by large hydraulic shovels into production trucks, which haul it to contour dumps. These dumps are environmentally designed to match the surrounding area.
Once the taconite rock is exposed, large drilling rigs drill blast holes 16" in diameter by 40' deep, in some cases. Nearly 400 of these holes are drilled in a blast pattern. Before the blast, the holes are filled with a special mixture of blasting agents. Once prepared, the mine site is cleared of workers and equipment, and the blast is detonated. Each of the holes is detonated just a millisecond apart, resulting in a pile of crude taconite that is broken apart to a minus 6' x 6' size.
After blasting, hydraulic face shovels and larger loaders load the taconite into 205-ton or 240-ton production trucks, which haul it to crushers. The taconite is ground to a fine powder and mixed with water. A series of magnets is run over the mixture. The magnets grab the iron particles and the rest is discarded. For every ton of iron retained, two tons of waste, or tailings, are discarded.
[url=http://www.quartzcrusher.net/crushing-grinding-plant/iron-ore-crushing-machine.html]Crushing Iron Ore [/url]
The crude taconite is delivered to large gyrator crushers, where chunks as large as five feet are reduced to six inches or less. More than 6,000 tons of
taconite can be crushed in one hour. The crushed material is transferred by belt to an ore storage building, which holds up to 220,000 tons of taconite. An apron feeder sends the ore to the concentrator building for grinding, separating, and concentrating. Concentrating
The crude taconite is now roughly the size of a football or smaller. A series of conveyor belts continuously feed the ore into ten large 27-foot-diameter, semi-autogenous primary grinding mills. Water is added at this point to transport it (94 percent of the water is recycled, while the rest is lost through evaporation).
Each primary mill contains several 4" steel balls that grind the ore as the mills turn. When the ore is reduced to 3/4" or less, it moves out of the mill in a slurry solution. The mill discharge is screened at 1/4" on trommel screens attached to the mill. Ore smaller than 1/4" is pumped in slurry solution to the wet cobber magnetic separator, which begins the process of separating the iron from the non-iron material. The magnetic iron ore is then laundered in two slurry surge tanks while the non-magnetics (silica/sand) go to the tailings disposal area.
Where do I buy? I am very interested in this.