Hail Odin Grey Wanderer For many years You have knocked at the hidden doors to my soul. Patient yet ever insistent: awaiting my response. Hail Odin All Father: Ye who knows the passageways to my heart. Yet patient, waiting, not treading there within, uninvited. Hail Odin Wise One You teach me the greater worth of a path freely chosen. i welcome You now into my heart, unfettered by reservation. Hail Odin Spear Shaker Ye who incites wars amongst nations and the battles within each man’s heart: You spur me now to rise to Your challenge. Hail Odin One Eyed God Your quest unhalted by sacrifice. So do i commit to follow Your will. Hail Odin Master of the Runes Through Your Gift we glimpse the web of Wyrd So do i seek the knowledge Your Staves reveal. Hail Odin Patron to the skalds Bringer of the mead of inspiration May my words be pleasing to Your ears. Hail Odin Master of Fury: Primal and uncontained: dictated by necessity. May i persevere, unrepressed, in adversity. Hail Odin Valföðr: My Your Valkyries find me worthy When the web of my life is cut.