I have never been a huge fan of beer. For the longest time I actually despised the taste and refused to drink most beer offered to me (except for Blue Moon and Shock Top) preferring (and still do) wine.
Like with all things though, my opinion changed recently after having lived in Europe for the past four months and drinking, what I can only describe as [i]good[/i] beer. More specifically though, I quite enjoy wheat beer and realized that the two beers I actually had no problem drinking were in fact Belgian-Style Witbier.
Anyway, that got me wondering, what is the Flood's favorite style of beer and who is your favorite brewer of that style? What do you like about it, because I sure don't understand why people enjoy brown ale, which is also kind of awesome because there are [b]definite[/b] differences I can distinguish in beer styles now; I know what tastes I like as opposed to those I don't.
Root beer.