I have awared of recent [url=http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1s1uvi/gameinformer_destiny_issue_bulletpoint_breakdown/]density details from reddit[/url] and I'm disturbed by how similar this game is to shadowrun. I quote the following points as follows:
[quote]Pressing the jump button twice executes your focus' special movement (glide, double jump, teleport)[/quote]
wtf bunge sprint didn't work in the last game and now you're giving people the ability to teleport? not cool what if i'm fighting him and he teleports on top of a building and then suddenly i'm getting animated. why can we double jump now this is hallo not crash bandicoot bunge you're stealing ideas again. it's gonna be too easy to run away from fights and i'm not gonna get any kills.
[quote]Weapons and armor can also improve stats and abilities. Bungie team decided to not take the route of incremental numerical differences and rather focused of more descriptive potential (like boosting speed, reducing headshot damage, enhancing a specific ability, speeding up health regeneration etc...).[/quote]
WTF perks why are you copying call duty with perks in density again? How will I know who has a super helmet to stop my bullets? What if I'm shooting somebody on mars and he teleports to venus? This game isn't supposed to be random bunge. What's worse is you cna make the movement abilities faster? totally excited for captain falcons with super sprint + teleport and knife pro on.
[quote]Pressing both left+right bumper activates the super ability.[/quote]
wtf bunge you can't spawn people with fuel rods they're just gonna spam before everyfight. what if a guy teleports above me and then novabombs my whole team and then super sprints back to his team? that isn't hallo bunge get your shit together
[quote]Shifting environmental features can be used to our advantage or determent (position of the suns glare, changing mechanisms that block paths or sight)[/quote]
wtf get this jj abrams shit out of my hallo. you already put too many lens flares in halp 4 i have to visit my optometrist after playing. the only shifting structure that would make sense is a giant bridge that erects itself in the middle of the map. the other guardians, paralyzed by its majestic girth, will never suspect my teleportation falcon punch to the nape of their necks. I'll show you how to adapt.
it's okay though, i can save hallo density before it becomes a disaster again. just let me slap sage with a net woodle a few hundred times until he stops trying to remake shadowrun. it's not happening.
#destiny satire aside, the quotes are real and do bring up some legitimate concerns. What do you make of pvp as we know it thus far?
Hmm was kind of funny until you started pretending to think it was 'hallo'