Ohhh, well....
with a topic like that about a forum like this..
There were a couple of responses that I was actually hoping for, and got them.
It's the only reason I made that thread.
Can you at least try to be serious about some posts?
You don't care to pay too much attention to my posts, with a comment like that, therefor how can I take YOU seriously? By all means, make your own thread about DID, if it's such a big deal to you that it be talked about in a serious tone. However, I do not owe you or anyone else here, for that matter, anything. Especially when it comes to my personal posting habits. Get it?
Yes I do get it. I only want some serious discussion, is that to much to ask?
lol her reply...I don't get this, maybe I should go to sleep.
Yes. Mute me.
Wait. Why would I mute you?