Destiny is not an Arena Shooter. If you want that, [url=]download this[/url].
Destiny is not an Arena Shooter with a Campaign. If you want that, [url=]buy this[/url].
Destiny is not Halo with a new story. If you want that, [url=]buy this[/url].
Destiny is not a Flight Simulator. If you want that, [url=]buy this[/url].
Destiny is not your typical garden-variety FPS (i.e. Call of Duty, Battlefield, 343's Halo, etc.) If you want that, buy those.
Destiny is not a super detailed RPG with the necessity of a lot of micro-managing with a shitload of stats to upgrade. If you want that, [url=]buy this[/url].
Destiny is Destiny. Bungie is making a game that borrows many aspects of Roleplaying Games, Arena Shooters, Adventure games, garden-variety shooters, and previous Bungie works like Halo and Marathon. Video games are an art, I believe this, and all art, in one sense or another, is derivative of other art, but that does not mean it must fit a specific mold or satisfy every aspect of a particular "genre" of art.
Hey, look! A [url=,_Venice.jpg]Claude Monet painting[/url]. Hey, look! Another [url=]Claude Monet painting[/url]. They've both got either a rising or setting sun, they've both got water, and they've both got orange. Do you think people complain that Monet's second one had too much water in it and wasn't consistent enough with the first one, or that the first didn't have the orange subtlety of the latter and is therefore a piece of shit? Nope. They don't. At least, I don't think they do.
The point is, for a shooter to be a shooter it does not have to fit the perfect image of "Shooter" you have in your head, and doesn't have to have all the fixings you think of when someone says "Shooter". The same goes for RPG, space games, massively multiplayer interaction, and everything else involved with Destiny.
Destiny picks and chooses this thing and that from the plethora of 40+ years of gaming our culture has had the pleasure of experiencing. It picks some of the stuff you love, it skips over some of the stuff you want, and it ignores all of the things that Bungie thinks aren't either feasible or conducive to the game they're making.
Getting pissed at a game because it doesn't fit every single aspect of what you think a "Shooter", "RPG", "Sci-Fi", or "multiplayer" should be is mental. Given that [i]none[/i] of you except those not talking about the game have actually played it, your bitching and moaning is totally uncalled for.
Discussion is cool, whining is not.
Please discuss and Thank You.