if you have ever illegally download anything for free (music/films/tv shows/software/etc) then you have absolutely no right to judge those who have pirated video games. it is the same exact offense, but because it's in an industry you care more strongly about it suddenly matters?
i see a lot of this hypocrisy on this forum, i just wanted to point this out. i don't advocate piracy of any sort, but i'm willing to bet that the vast majority of us have done it at least once or twice.
Dat assumption. I don't know why you are here, but not everyone lives in the ghetto
>Implying that we all download those things illegally
OP is buttflustered.
Chances are a lot of us pirated when we were young and in high school. Then we grew up and realized that life is hard and that if we want to make money, we should pay for products so others can make money, too.
Two wrongs =/= right. K?
Edited by Ad Hoc: 12/11/2013 3:01:30 AMI've never judged anyone for downloading something illegally. Sure, it [i]is[/i] stealing, but I just can't get worked up about stealing intangible objects from rich people.
[quote]but i'm willing to bet that the vast majority of us have done it at least once or twice.[/quote]Ladies and Gentlemen of the Flood: I present to you the very definition of unfounded ignorance. Shown this evening in stark white print against a slate-gray background for your viewing pleasure. Please enjoy.
Who is this directed at? I have no idea what/who you're referring to.
All I hear is a lot of whining.