Well First of all, this ins't some joke topic or something like that. It's not illuminat or godly bull shit. This is te real shit. It is so in our faces that its hard to belive no one figured it out yet.
I will not sugar code it to make you belive it, ill just come straight foward:
Hardcore drugs will make humans act like zombies until it all goes to shit.
First the weak drugs will slight in, they can kill you, but no one cares. Alcool will make you have a great time, do funny ass shit, but if overdosed it can make you from violent to sick/shit faced in a big consumption in a smal frame of time. In a big frame it kills you're body in some other way if a big consumption of alchool is consume in a big period of time.
Now we all know that, but yet you'll find it normal for a young 16 year olds drink beer in Germany, 18 year olds in the rest of the world and in the USA, 21 years old will be considered as if know what best. The world got used to the drug called alcool as something cultural betwen nations and borders.
We also have the drug Cigarette. Also legal, but hey, it might give you cancer in 3 diferent ways if consume the smoke for the right amount of time and if you get lucky in genetics. It was considerate something sexy, for the rich and nobled classed. But today? You'll have it liberated world wide at the age of 18. it kills you, but it's YOUR life! (funny how abortions dont work this way).
Today it was legalized weed in Uruguai. Even if you vaporize it or eat it, consequences will follow. Psciocological and neurological effects. For those that know, the dopamine levels will drop, the same effect for some one that beats his meat every day. There is a smal 10% change you get addicted to it, and it really depends the state and the stability of the mind. Of course weed will -blam!- the neuro receptors, it slows down a bit while using it, bringing you 2-5 hours of pure tripping balls pleasure, which -blam!-s up the dorpamine leves. That will make you go after stronger things to pleasure yourself. It's no fun if you do it every moment of the day, everyday. It's something necessary, something called adiction.
Next will be cocain, same entry in the world as the cigarrete, pure quality will be for important individuals. From rich celebs to politicians, the media will bring it the same way it brough torture to be in something acceptable. It's make the drug more diseared, making it self legal faster than than weed.
Next will be last move. The hardcore drugs will get its sales back up, like Russia, but this time, world wide. It will bring our people to zombie state, and not one or two that have giving out the aware signs, "guy eats other guy's face after talking hard core drug", but a shit load of zombie-agressive drugs users.
It will be the end, as it is something the goverment woun't be able to stop. They will kill for the drug. they will take down the goverments. They will be mixed in so many diferent drug effects, and in some -blam!-'d up need for the drugs that they'll kill their own families for it.
Few will survive when it get's to this point. They will be few that will last under some many drugs and will die. Society as we know it will be vanished, their will be few survivers,unware it was the drugs that did it all this.
There is a group there trying to make this happen. They're refered as the group by those within it. It isn't a new or a small group. They're around for a shit load of time, they don't even know when it all started. It's a protection from nature. Nature balances itself. If the humans are going down, it not taking nature out with them. Thats their filosofy.
It recruits a shit load of people everyday around the world. They'll look for something that needs money but never turned to drugs and honestly don't care about selling it either as long it giver money. They'll for those without a family or what to live for. For those who are smart and can offer something to the group. If it's intelligence, the individual might be a politician of some sort, if its people skills they might be a celeb or some shit like that.
The crazy part about the group is that you get watched amost all the time by some crazy killer that got in the group to keep another member save from -blam!-ing the plan up. Most of the public members will know amost no other member and will be used as a puppet. The administrative ground also use a shit load of inteligence to make all happen unseen.
I am a Doctor in the group of Brazil, I work in the response lab of the human body to drugs with the chemist. We work online with other groups from our contry. This is done for most countrys as well, and there is always a central, which is unknow to me the location. I have heard that ir moves from place to place. I'm posting here in the flood because I need this to get the messege out. Make it big in 4chan. Have someone re-write this with the same message. I don't have much time, i must send big report of my day to the central every day on this computer, luckly the crazy guy is kinda cool and trusts me. what a fool.
I got into this by accident, I saved my drug dealers life once, and he got in the group. He didn't consume shit ( the group looks for non-drugies) but could sell anything. He convinced the group that I knew a lot about drugs and I could make thme better as the doctor I am (I really can improve some drugs). I passed the test because of the lack of family and friends that are left, those alive don't talk to me either. But I was never true to the group. Once I saw the chance to find out the truth I took it. This is how it all ends. Get it out now.