[url=http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/12/11/250179179/fake-sign-language-interpreter-marred-mandela-memorial]Did you get mad bro?[/url]
[quote]As President Obama and other world leaders spoke Monday in Johannesburg at a memorial for Nelson Mandela, a man stood nearby and appeared to be doing sign language interpretation. Many in the deaf community are outraged because the man appeared to be faking.[/quote]
[quote]The country’s deaf community and the ruling African National Congress have no knowledge of who the man actually is, despite him appearing on television gesticulating alongside South African President Jacob Zuma last year, Reuters reported.
"I don't know this guy. He doesn't work for the ANC. It was a government event. Ask them," ANC spokesman Jackson Mthembu said.
U.S. Secret Service Spokesman Brian Leary stated that the department is aware of the matter, but declined to elaborate.
Zuma’s office is also trying to find out the man's identity, according to Reuters.[/quote]
Edited by MastaSin: 12/12/2013 5:01:11 AMNew trololol guy, he was spelling in sign language TRololol!