originally posted in:TFS The Floods Sanctuary
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All too many people are leaving this group, and this site, because it has "died"
Felicia has pretty much abandoned this group
BBC (H3G) has left
Winy is in the process of leaving.
All of them with the same reasoning. "TFS Is dead" but isn't the fact that people are leaving making it more dead, providing further incentive for MORE people to quit?
That shouldn't be whats happening. We should plant our feet. We should become more active OURSELVES, rather than relying on someone else's thread or replies.
Next time you're on TFS? Make a thread.
Next time you see a thread on TFS? Reply to it
Together, we can make TFS active again
I still check TFS every day Never let go
this group
I actually just read the OP. Wouldn't say I completely left because like I said I post very seldom. Like I told Hipi the one part of me that misses this place is the part that remembers the old Bnet. No point in holding onto old memories just to stay. I'll be here every once in a while and I'll be here for that update, but there isn't much for me to hold on to in this group. Like you said, people have left because more people left, and it becomes an incentive for more people to leave. It might just be this group's time to wither. I also saw a post by that devilishly handsome doctor that it'd be better if we got each others contact info to converse outside this site, and that sounds like a good idea. I usually float around in the Coup IRC every once in a while, and I'm [i]always[/i] on Steam. I also have an Origin account.
TFS started dying the day I was kicked out, thats karma for ya guys.
The last time I gave a shit about this place was last year. Now I just ghost post. For example, this post is just one giant hoax, like UFO sightings. Or tomatoes being fruits.
*waits to be the only person left so he can do whatever he wants*
Pehaps I'll try to post here again, it does seem (still) like the most active private group I'm a member of.
We got an approximated date for an update gais. Destiny Beta this Spring. Or at least that's what I'm speculating based on Deej's post on my thread.
This group has become nothing but everyone's personal blog for their problems a while ago. There's no discussion of anything other than eachoher, or eachother's problems. Also, plenty of people don't have any idea WHAT the hell they are talking about. Both in and out of this group.
TFS is doing alright. They just need to release the latest episode of DBZA and all will be well.
the chrome version of coup works better on firefox then the regular one
Coup is back? And I'll always be here, no matter the outcome.
I wish that could happen
it's over
No point, it'd be better to negotiate contact info with people you care to contact outside of the site (given, of course, that they'd care to be friends outside bungie) and just moving your friendships to some place less horribly screwed.
Not going to work, sorry. The current population of the site by itself makes any sort of large-scale populating of a group basically impossible. Add that to the crippled state of private groups, and we've got ourselves a pretty shitty situation. If and when Bungie actually takes their hands out of their taints and says "Oh fuck, these guys actually exist," then we'll be on the right track for re-population. All that we can do now is pray to Nonon.
Let's try to get as many people as we can back for at least one get-together thread first. Also, I don't wanna get your hopes up, but I only really have the rest of this month before I'm back to usual 7am-5 pm and then some. But try to contract old members and you guys might just get resurrected.