Hitler opens a time portal and vows to finish the job. Instead of finding the Jews he expected, he finds Israel in 2013.
He commits his forces...
Well Israel would have the full support of America and the UK if war broke out. However, Hitler would have the support of the Islam countries that not only surrounded Israel but others that don't like Israel. This is simply based off that the [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] and Arabs worked together against British and French forces along with hatred against Judaism Israel is more technologically advanced than Hitler, especially having nukes. Even then I'm sure Arab nations, like Iran, would share technology along with weapons with the [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] and thus giving them a better edge. As stated many times, Arab nations may help out Hitler so a well planned invasion consisting mainly of [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] troops with Arab support in the form of air cover could prove disastrous for Israel