I was watching some lame spooky videos on youtube (well, one was pretty scary for me. It was still lame, but it was spooky) and I decided to make this after a certain scene reminded me of a nightmare I had as a little kid.
I wouldn't say it's the spookiest, but one particular messed up nightmare I can remember is this:
I was in some sort of field. In front of me stood a demon (he's been in other dreams, but he changes form sometimes. Long story) looking like an old man.
To my left stood a woman in a blue dress, calmly singing "Somewhere over the rainbow" while the old man looked evilishly delighted.
The few seconds I remember of this was accompanied by another woman somewhere else (but in earshot) screaming her heart out.
Yeah, I get messed up nightmares sometimes. Nowhere near as many as I did when I was a little kid, but every couple of months there's something spooky.
What about you?
Edited by Gregory Marshall: 12/18/2013 12:13:44 PMI was in a truck, sitting shotgun to my father. I don't remember exactly where we were going (if we were going anywhere at all), I just remember we were driving up against the side of this cliff, and that there was a thick fog laid out before us. He was driving slowly at the time, presumably because of the fog, and I remember that despite the oddness of our situation, I was feeling exciting about getting to wherever we had set off to go. As we were driving, I began to realize that there was this faint ringing sound. At first I just ignored it (you know how we get that ringing sound in our head sometimes) but, the sound didn't go away, in fact it was getting louder. All of a sudden the car shuddered to a stop. I looked out through the front window of the car, nothing. I decided to get out of the car to get a better look. So I unbuckled myself and stepped out onto the gravel — and the ringing got louder. As I walked ahead of the car I saw a glimmer of red out in the middle of the street. At first I thought we might have hit a deer or something, though as I got closer I saw that it wasn't blood at all, but a red telephone — and the ringing got louder. I knew that there was only one thing to do, so I reached down and picked up the phone, but the ringing didn't stop. At first all I could hear was that damnable sound but, then there was this voice and it spoke to me. "We're here son." But it wasn't coming from the phone, it came from right behind me. I turned around and saw a man. He held out his arm and showed me what he was carrying, it was my father's head but with his face cut off, his eyes starring at me unblinking, lifeless. — and the ringing got louder "Isn't it wonderful son?" I looked up at the man and was horrified to see my father's face starring back at, his mouth had been nailed open to look like a smile. "See? Everyone wears a smile here." He lifted up his other hand and saw he was carrying a nail gun. "Now you need one too." I tried to back away from him, but I could go any further, I was at the edge of the cliff — and the ringing got louder. I looked at the disembodied head of my father and saw with horror that it began to slowly smile. It kept growing and growing, and I thought it would never stop, but then it started laughing! Laughing and laughing until it started coughing up this thick black blood, choking on it, and gurgling it back down again — but the head never did stop laughing, and the phone never did stop ringing. Then I woke up.
Edited by A Saturnalia: 12/18/2013 9:50:18 AMI'm hoping I'm in a nightmare right now, I just got my electric bill and it shot up 200 dollars in a month. How the -blam!- did I go from 2 dollars a day to 6 dollars a day when nothing changed? -blam!- that, I turned my heaters off in every room of the house. Might die from hypothermia, but at least I won't have to pay a 270 dollars electric bill. Literally nothing has changed. I turn off everything when I go to work (except the fridge and my modem/router) I unplug all electronics and charge my phone in my car. I use CFL bulbs that us 18 KWH in like 1000000 hours of use. There goes christmas I guess.
Haven't had a dream in months...... :/
I woke up and everywhere I looked there were Jews.
Deer one tiem a gai go to spooki house. He dai.
One dream I had: I was in my room and I hear a noise outside. I look out the window and a Reaper from Mass Effect lands in the center of town. I freak out and I run to my living room to tell my parents that we need to escape as soon as possible. They look out the window and say they don't see anything and they return to watch TV. I look out the window again and another Reaper lands not too far away from my house. I grabbed the car keys and drove off. In the next town over, I see my friends at a gas station. A Reaper just landed in this town and started slowly making its way towards me. I tell my friends of the Reaper and they ignored it just like my parents did. They continued to put gas in their car normally. More Reapers land and I take off in my car into the countryside. Reapers are continuously landing from orbit in the countryside as if they are only following me. A Reaper eventually lands right in front of me and uses its laser on my car, shooting it through the windshield at my face. I could feel the heat as if it were real and it looked like someone put the Sun in my face. I woke up in the middle of the night at around 2am and looked out the window. Nothing unusual was there. It was really terrifying, telling your family and friends of a Reaper invasion only to have them ignore you and not see the Reapers themselves.
My family died, and I just kinda sat in an empty room in my primary school.
Worst nightmare I ever had was being locked up and strapped down to the floor in a white padded room (like the ones at an asylum) where Japanese hornets came in and were eating me alive, I didn't wake up until one if the hornets bit me in the eye.... :(
My nightmares always involve skunk ape. I don't even know why. Maybe I have some unresolved childhood trauma I don't know about or some shit.
I had cut my own neck off, my head was still floating above my body somehow... and I was sat there looking at my severed neck. For some reason this foot long (Not irl ofc) piece of tissue was fountaining blood all over the place, there was nothing connected to either end of it... I then tried to stop the endless bloodflow with paper towels which quickly became ineffective and soon the whole of my grandparent's kitchen was covered in arterial gore. So I picked up a kitchen knife and started to open up my severed neck to find the source of all this blood, and after a while of cutting away sections and carefully wrapping them up in polythene bags I was left with just the bones. There was blood everywhere but the flow had finally stopped. I was stood their looking at what used to be my neck and it now looked remarkably like a skeletal tail from some sort of animal... Then I thought 'How the hell am I going to put my head back on if my neck is just a pencil thin strip of bone?!' I started to freak out and try to stick it back in place and slap bits of flesh onto it and was busy screaming when finally I got ahold of the dream and went '-blam!- THIS SHIT I'M OUTTA HERE' I'm now tempted to put the fresh prince lyrics here but since that would imply this wasn't my dream from last night I shall not. I woke up and then spent the next few minutes holding my neck making sure it was still there. Copied from my disturbing dreams thread <.<
I woke up in the middle of the night last night. I was looking at the wall and I swore I saw like a chipmunk or something hanging on it. I screamed like a girl. It was part of my pillow. This isn't really a nightmare nor is is scary/messed up but I thought I'd share my experience.
One time, I dreamt that I went to see some concert, and got to see this lady (whoever she was, I can't remember) backstage, and she gave me some present. Later on, this present started causing spooky happenings, so somehow, I went and met with her at some cafe to give it back. We sit down, I look at her, then I look down to retrieve the gift, and then I look back up to give her the gift, and what do I see? Smile.jpg. She is smile.jpg. I fall off of the chair and start frantically crawling backwards to try and get away as she walks towards me, singing some song. I've never been more afraid in a dream before, I literally woke up in a cold sweat.
One of my oddest nightmares comes from my halo fan/nerd side. I was a kid in bed, I got up to check on my younger brother, but when I found him he transformed into the flood right before my eyes (I felt like puking). He lunged onto me, cut me, and some how I had a shotgun in my hands and i was blasting him off of me. When I realized he cut me I could feel the infection taking over my body and reshaping it, tinkering with it perhaps. I then woke up from my dream in real time, I didn't play halo for a few weeks after that.
Edited by asir: 12/19/2013 5:23:26 AMMy nightmares always end in me prevailing against my fears. I find that kind of awesome. The only recent one I didn't prevail in is one where a pickup truck with three guys drove up to my house with guns, and I had to defend my family. I killed one by spraying hornet killer on him and stabbing him with a kitchen knife, then I took his gun and eventually popped out and shot the second. The third one ended up cornering me in the bathtub with no ammo, so I decided to try to leap out of the bathroom and bludgeon him with the butt of the gun. Of course, it ended up with me being shot dead as soon as I tried to run for him. Silly me.
Honestly, I have dreams that most people would consider nightmares pretty regularly, but the ones I have that truly horrify me are rare. When I do have those, though? I'm not right for at least a day or two. Always looking over my shoulder, feeling like the essence of all of my fears are around any given corner, hearing or seeing things that I know aren't really there, but still fuck with my head anyway. Those admittedly aren't my best days.
I've had dreams about my dad and my sister dying.
I don't have nightmares. If they are scary I see them as a horror or a thriller movie. I enjoy all of them. Ok not true. My nightmares are emotionally horrifying. I don't want to talk about those.
Sheer, bloody, panic. Only the most stressful fever-induced nightmares can get me, the worst I've ever had was when I think I was having trouble breathing during a bad cold and the sensation entered my dreams, it was a horrible blank nightmare.
I dreamed I was dating the girl of my dreams. It was a nightmare because I know it'll never happen IRL. Shit
I woke up in my house. something was wrong.... I checked my iPhone.....but something was missing... I found out that.................... SOME ASSHOLE TOOK OUT THE WIFI AND COULDN'T GO ON BUNGIE.NET OR IFUNNY.!!!
I think the simplest possible way I can put it is: Tyranid Invasion.
I'm pretty sure I've already wrote about the nightmare where my d*ck tried to eat me...
The earliest nightmare I can remember(had this when I was about 4): I'm on a blanket of clouds. In front of me stood rows and rows of monsters sleeping on the cloud with a pillow. An old woman welcomed me and told me to pick a spot. So as I walk along a row, somehow I disturb a monster. Evil looking, with a hammer. It looked like a Minotaur, just like one. So it gets really angry and chases me. That's really all I remember...
Edited by Leeroy Jenkins: 12/18/2013 12:56:51 PMBasically stopped school shooting, killed 12 year olds, got shot, slowly bleed to death, told somebody I loved them, got my first kiss, leveled with my friends, and felt myself dying, then I did
Well that's a long list