But not the kind you think.
It means we will be ( legally ) kidnapping children and taking them to a wilderness based theraputic treatment center called [url=http://turnaboutranch.crchealth.com/]Turnabout Ranch[/url]
These are troubles teens aged 13-17
The teens will have no choice in coming with us. Their parents have made the final decision. And they are legally in our custody from the time that we arrive at their house, to the moment we sign them in at the ranch. These parents are not equipped or prepared to bring their children there forcefully.
They will be coming peacefully, or we will be carrying them. Kicking and screaming ( in handcuffs if necessary ) until they are there.
We haven't actually began this service yet. We are having a million and one meetings discussing logistics and operational procedures. We plan on starting in January.
Ask me anything.
This isn't one of those straight camps, is it?