What's with the outrage over white Santa? Santa is a mythical creation from northern Europe. Santa was never black. Not saying you can't have black Santa, but why do people get outraged when you point out the simple fact that Santa is white and created by white Europeans?
Why can't Santa be tanned, skinny, buff, sport tattoos with dragons flying all over his rippling muscles, all the while leaving notes to children next to their milk & cookies saying "Milk is good for your bones, but cookies are a sometimes food"? Or worse yet Why can't Santa be clean-shaven?
Nearly any icon is a canvas onto which an individual or group can/will/does project an image of themselves. Always has been, always will be. The less historical and the more mythological the icon, the more likely people will be to paint that icon to reflect themselves and their world-view. I personally don't have any problem with anyone who thinks that a myth "looks kinda like me". It's human nature. Black/Asian/Euro/etc. Santa? Good for you! Especially if your version of Santa is all about generosity, giving and the joy of Christmas.
Santa can be green for all I care.
White Santa? HA! That's racist!
Why can't Santa be a combination of all races?
Started a new topic: Why can't Frnksnbns kill himself?(6 Replies))
I actually just took a pic of a black Santa today lol, but I don't know how to share pictures soo...
The Grinch is black because he robs people and steals their presents and shit.
Omg the tags lol
Santa's race doesn't change the fact that Megyn Kelly's a dumb bitch.
Wait, when was he not white?
"M-MUH POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!" Santa is historically white, get over it. No one is saying you can't have a black Santa, but this idea that we have to make kids believe that Santa ISN'T white is like saying some other mythical character isn't another race. It's absurd.
Santa is Asian how else does he get around the world so quickly and efficiently.
Black people are really the only ones who complain over stupid things like this. I don't hear anyone calling for a Hispanic Santa or an Asian Santa.
There's outrage over white santa?
I always read the tags.
Oh, I read the tags. You know I did.