Look at all these weak imitations.
Me anything?
I'm going to ask a few random questions to indulge my curiosity. Would you bump my thread in Gaming about Final Fantasy and comment on it if I asked you to?
Sweet Jesus girl how did you get 500 replies xD
Can you tell me how this got 500 replies?
Will you have sex with me?
hell yeah
Are you afraid of heights?
Am I helping by answering these questions?
Why would you do this to yourself?
Would you say that this thread has given you the attention that you've so desperately wanted all your life?
Moustaches. Yes or no?
If I have fourteen apples and donate six of them, how many do I have left?
How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
I want to join the police when I grow up. What about you?
So if we made love would that make me a homosexual?
How is the height of a horse measured?
What am I getting for Christmas?
How big is your weiner?
I've ran out of questions. Can you suggest one?
How much longer do you plan to keep replying to these questions?
Why did you choose your avatar?
Do you have a bedtime?
What did you have for breakfast?
Do you like Weetbix?
What about cocopops?