Put in you Gamertag, Gaurdian Class/Level & game console.... IF you 1.) work well with others, 2.) Looking for people to play with 3.) Want to win!
[spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Recruitment forum. See [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/140393652/0/0]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Recruitment tag and its Destiny LFG uses. Good luck!
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]
Xbox one, berghie23, level 27 lock, level 7 Hunter
xiChrisx, Warlock Level 25, PS4
WoodroJr0515. Level 20 Warlock. Xbox One
joefizzo47 PS4 Level 27 Titan, usually online about 6 hours from now on weekdays for about two hours, and whole day (I wish) on weekends. Mainly play to score marks, vg and crucible. Will attempt VOG once I get up to 28
Giantjumb PS4 lvl 30 Titan. Married with kids so I play at random times.
Ps4 looking for a couple to do the last bit of the thorn bounty against phogoth. Add gbay74
PS4 DeadQT lvl 24 Titan
SarcasticEvil, Hunter level 11, PS4 really looking to get into the game. mainly log on after 7
Ps4. Rogerjw. Lvl 30 warlock just about 31. Would like to find a mature group of gammers who like to work as a team to do regular raids\ nightfall.
m6scout on the playstation 4 lv29 titan lv8 walock Looking for people to raid and do the weekly with
GT: Drakondrius on X360. Play well with others and would love a team to nightfall/raid with. Play at night mostly (9:30 central). Level 30/31 Titan. No mic as family is sleeping soundly ^_^
GT: The Glimpse Warlock 28+ Hunter 21+ Titan 5 XBox One always willing to help out, and since I just upgraded from the 360, need people to do the raid/ strikes/ nightfall/ patrol/ weekly/ daily stuff with.
Gt: cypher02xd Level 30 titan. Level 27 Hunter Level 6 warlock Xbox one. Looking for people to do nightfall, weeklies, raids or anything. Send me an invite
PS4 PSN: TTGibbz 28 Warlock Mostly play as voidwalker but can play as sunsinger Would like to run the VoG. Only done it once. Up for weekly's and stuff too.
New to game. GT: DazL1873 PS4 Warlock lvl 3 Looking to link up with others also starting the game to develop
Level 26 Warlock looking to try the vault of glass and strikes, etc. PSN Tonchi10 No kids please.
Looking To Do VOG Normal Add And Invite Me MechanicJ420. Lv28 Hunter Ps4 Everyday Player
Looking For An Atheon CP Hard. PS4 Add and Invite Lv. 29 Hunter MechanicJ420
Level 27 warlock adult lady gamer LFG in raids, strike, or whatever. I need help with new quest. Thanks GT: Boscmarie Xbox1
Add me jbum123 24 hunter
FineThenShootMe Lvl 27 Titan PS4 Have mic and expansion, usually on for the weekends
Titan lv 27 ready to help anyone with anything ps4 add jonwolfIII
Edited by Zona: 12/11/2014 11:05:46 PMHi I'm adult female looking for nice people to play with, weekly, nightfall, really anything. Central time. I play on and off during the day, (work from home) Some nights. I have a hunter level 29. Add me if you want. Gt iMnAZona on Xbox one.
Gamer tag : Cortes2012 Console : Xbox 360 Level 21 Titan Glad to help anyone :)
FineCashew9 here. I'm a level 28 warlock on the 360. Glad for people to play anything with. Hope to see you there!