Put in you Gamertag, Gaurdian Class/Level & game console.... IF you 1.) work well with others, 2.) Looking for people to play with 3.) Want to win!
[spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Recruitment forum. See [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/140393652/0/0]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Recruitment tag and its Destiny LFG uses. Good luck!
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]
i play on ps4, PSN is injanabba i have a lvl 13 hunter.
Gt: htownboobie. Lvl 9. Titan and Lvl 1 warlock. Play every day. Send invite and a time to play. Preferably tomorrow (sunday) after texans whip the eagles
GT: PrePaidKill3r Level 23 Titan xbox one Looking for people to play some nightfall missions for strange coins etc, strikes and possibly crucible once I/we get good gear to compete. i just got the game on tuesday and am leveling up pretty good. need strange coins and vanguard marks to get better weapons and gear. I can play most days and for a few hours at a time. Im easy going as well not anal about whatever. just looking for some fun and gear :D. add me up
28 Hunter 26 Warlock 2 Titan PS4 psn:naticus78 Just looking for like minded individuals who enjoy relaxing and don't take things too seriously........i.e. video games :)
Greekpride311 level 25. Need help! Add me
Edited by o0xArchangelx0o: 11/2/2014 7:28:55 AMXbox 360 Lvl 25 titan and hunter GT:o0xArchangelx0o
Ppl are too cocky in this game. I been meeting a bunch of know it alls n a lot of ppl that have like an attitude it pisses me off but I have met very chill ppl but only select few.
[quote]Put in you Gamertag, Gaurdian Class/Level & game console.... IF you 1.) work well with others, 2.) Looking for people to play with 3.) Want to win![/quote] Lvl 29 hunter and lvl 16 warlock looking for some people to play with trying to lvl up my warlock GT SegmentedE23
Hunter (Level 9 but growing quick) GT: DMM0822 XBOX One Play almost every day, looking to play with some other people for fun, work together on missions, do multiplayer together, stuff like that! Work well with others as well! Add me!
Level 22 warlock Psn:XxSoulStriverxX
Ridge69Runner, Hunter Class/Lvl 3 on XBox360. I'm looking for players that want to have fun and help eachother advance within Destiny. Add me and lets help eachother advance our characters, I could use the help.
XBOX 1 lvl 24 warlock. Looking for committed players preferably 18+ its so hard to find good people. Please feel free to add me I'm on all flipping g night. GamerTag-Bacardi Silver. And plz don't pre-judg I may be a chick but I carry my own. 8) hit me uppp
Edited by HeartStMikey: 11/1/2014 11:09:42 PMPS4 HeartStMikey Lvl 24 Hunter. Looking for people to raid with
Lvl4 titan play when I can xbox1 Bori G
20 titan , casual player psn : yousseflotfy feel free to add me
Gamer tag: Mizz Lindzay level 28 warlock add me on xbox one =]
Ajjordan14 ps4 titan level 10
Edited by Sir Digby Chick: 11/1/2014 12:57:55 PMPS4 ID: little__tina (littleunderscoreunderscoretina) Level 23 Titan, want to complete daily/weekly heroic strikes and maybe VoG. UK Feel free to add me. Thanks
Lvl 28 Titan, gt same as name, xboxone, just add me I'm up for anything.
Edited by Rag: 11/1/2014 2:34:07 AMXbox1 RagtagRyno 24 warlock Looking for some people to play with
Hey guys, New to the whole online experience. PS4 Hunter Lvl 5 (just started this week) Usually can be found between 9pm and midnight Melbourne time weekdays. Send me a request if you're keen. philplod
PS4 PSN - xTsuyoi Hunter - Level 1 (Just got the game, looking to meet new people :P)
Lvl 28 hunter lf raids heroic dailes crucibles or w.e add me xbox1
Add Dj1springes on ps4 lvl 28 hunter wit a mic . Always down to help out.
PS4 rockhound98 Warlock lvl 27 I'm an older gamer looking for nice people to raid/strike with. Usually play ev 8-12 eastern Std
Edited by Jumpman Jude: 11/1/2014 1:57:15 AMGT: iR Jud3 On xb1 Got a 29 titan, a 28 warlock, and a 28 hunter Always willing to meet new people and just have a good time gaming. I work 7/7 nights but i try to play everyday. Send me a friend invite and ill friend you back, then we can start our "destiny" ;)