Put in you Gamertag, Gaurdian Class/Level & game console.... IF you 1.) work well with others, 2.) Looking for people to play with 3.) Want to win!
[spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Recruitment forum. See [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/140393652/0/0]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Recruitment tag and its Destiny LFG uses. Good luck!
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]
ToastyOchoCinco Lvl. 27 Titan PS4 I have a mic. I wanna meet people to destroy nightfall strike and raid but any mode is cool add me
Aznfarmer88 Warlock lvl26 Ps4 Looking for people to pve with.
Ps4 Level 24 Hunter Psn: Cat_soop9997 Just looking people people to do strikes and daily missions ect. Not into big raids at the moment I'm just playing for fun really.
Slayer-Saito level 24 warlock ps4 I just want to hang and do a little Crusible and strikes i'm not that competitive
GT: EzyTargt 27 warlock PS4 I play well with others, I have a mic and I am down to play any mode.
Dondamagicjuan level 27 Hunter. Looking for good players to level up with. Especially need help with level 26 strike for exotic weapon bounty
My gamer tag is Rahz Vael. When the beta and game get released I'll be playing as a Warlock.
JayErem LV 27 warlock PS4 i'd like more people to play with i use voice chat and play more pve than pvp but both are good.
gt: TheNinjaSpectre Warlock lvl 27 Xbox 1 Currently wanting to run with teams in the Iron Banner. Usually on mid afternoons and weekends.
GT xRyanThundrx Warlock level 27 Xbox one Looking for people to play with, tired of playing solo. I'm kinda goofy but I get shit done. Mostly interested in weeklies, dailies and strikes but also thinking about going story mode again on higher difficulty
Titan level 27 just looking for people to do strikes and stuff with
Level 28 hunter looking to play and win xbox one
Pirateking1412 lvl 25 hunter on Xbox one looking to do all raids and strike to upgrade armor and lvl up
lvl 27 Warlock (both subclasses fully upgraded) PS3 People to do nightfall and weekly strikes with no mic (hopefully will have one next week) psn id: zero_2004- usually available weeknights beginning 9pm, Saturday mornings/afternoons, anytime Sunday
Edited by KungFuMatt: 10/8/2014 8:17:05 PMLvl 28 warlock Xbox one Xbox live. iam Kungfumatt Looking to do weekly strikes plus raid. I usually play late night 1:00am central till 4-5 am
Lvl 26 titan Psn Splitfinger Ps4 I am looking for anything
Im a lvl 14 wanting to run through campaign if anyone is interested send me a party or msg below
Ps4, psn bounddreamer Level 28 warlock maxed both subclasses Always happy to help with strikes, story, but especially hoping to find a tight group to play crucible. Have been doing okay but hope to get good. I have a mic but don't mind playing without for strikes.
TacoMan Xbox One Level 27 Titan Looking to do daily and weekly events. I'm usually on after 7:00PM EST.
Edited by colinzervas: 10/7/2014 4:32:17 PMTitan level 26. Looking to do raid and nightfall strike. Gamer tag colinzervas ps4
Lagtron Lvl 28 Warlock Xbox One I'm down for playing and helping people with pretty much anything. So yea...
Edited by Demon_Vanquisher: 10/7/2014 2:41:19 AMdemon_vanquisher/warlock/lvl24/ps3 add me if you want
Edited by Der Hasenjaeger: 10/6/2014 11:10:07 PMXbox 360 GT: der Hasenjaeger Level 28 voidwalker / 27 sunsinger Have mic 52 year old Halo veteran that enjoys all aspects of Destiny. Follow and lead equally well with disciplined comms. Looking for a few more like minded players for raiding, iron banner, and high level strikes. Send FR starting "re your post..." thanks.
Edited by SteveMcKennaD: 10/6/2014 8:51:53 PMStevemckennaD 25 warlock Ps4