Put in you Gamertag, Gaurdian Class/Level & game console.... IF you 1.) work well with others, 2.) Looking for people to play with 3.) Want to win!
[spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Recruitment forum. See [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/140393652/0/0]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Recruitment tag and its Destiny LFG uses. Good luck!
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]
Edited by sau3rkraut: 10/2/2014 3:45:25 PMNeigeux xb1 Lv 27 Hunter w/ mic I have an average of 5 assists per game in PvP, which is 5th percentile (of people who post their stats on Destiny tracker). Would like to do nightfall, heroic strikes and raid. Never done raid but I learn quick. Edit: Add me if you want to play, I don't have enough friends who play Destiny!
Vystien PS4 LVL 29 Titan w/mic Experienced glass runner looking for a crew. I have Chatter white armor shader as proof of completion of glass vault.
Lvl 26 Hunter PS4 w/mic wolwhagrl Down for pretty much anything!
Username: tom1976 PS4 HUNTER Lv 27 no mic.. Raids and vault of glass
WOOSHINATOR Titan lv 4 X1 have mic
Username: spawntanious1 Ps4 Level 25 Titan looking to do raids and vault glass
King_Koopa_89 ps4 I play whenever I can and just enjoy playing with others. Hoping to get enough friends for vault of glass. I play any mode, least favorite is crucible but I'll still play it. No immature people though
Edited by Mad: 10/2/2014 5:34:57 AMMad bad al Level 25 Warlock Sunsinger. Xbox One Mic Mature Gamer.[/url]
Megaman004 Lvl 26 Titan Stryker With mic on X1 Feel free to add me!
Jackpackage94 Level 27 Titan Mature gamer with a mic Feel free to add me
ps4 psn iamtonykiller lvl 27 titan looking for a dedicated team to tackle the vault of glass and nightfall strike. I work well with a team and adapt, I just don't know enough people!
Xbox 360 GT Valleyyeti Lvl 23 hunter Up for weekly heroics and strikes
Edited by ThatNekoGuy: 9/30/2014 12:44:06 AMGT: ThatNekoGuy Class: Hunter Subclass: BladeDancer Level: 26 Console: XBox360
Gt:DESERTGHoST444 Lvl:6 Don't have friends 😭
Xbox 360 Kiilacam Level 24 Titan, will play it all
Xbox 360 LIFEWCOKE Lvl 26 Warlock Usually play after my 9-5 job and on the weekends. Westcoastish
PS4 PSN: Da_Scorpion7 Lvl: 26 Warlock Send me a request
PS4 PSN: ToastyOchoCinco Lvl: 27 Titan Looking for people to do the nightfall strike with. I'm down to do raids just hit me up.
Xbox One GT: MrEvoXBoxOne Lvl: 25 Titan 46yrs old Destiny dad, I can't play daily but I love this game. I'm really sucks in PvP! Willing to help anyone and join anyone so please feel free to add me as your friend on XB1.
Level 26 bladedancer. (27 with today's mats later) Xbox 360 Mostly looking for people to do vog or who would like to join my clan. Send me a request, I'll be on tonight
Edited by SupremeSage33: 10/1/2014 4:03:43 PMSupremesage33 warlock lvl25 add me I play everyday but I'm always playing alone playstation 4
25 (almost 26) warlock, ps4 need friends to do queens wrath and raid in the future.
Nah man Bungie intended you to play the game by yourself
PS4 Flash31MMA level 27 hunter maxed out blade dancer working on gunslinger Feel free to add
PS4 Cin669 Hunter lvl 13 (yep newbie) Looking for more people of similar level to play with. Have the basic mic dunno how much I'd use it tho.
Ps3 Backlash79 Level 25 titan, striker maxed, working on defender Looking for people to hit up the weeklys and other missions