Put in you Gamertag, Gaurdian Class/Level & game console.... IF you 1.) work well with others, 2.) Looking for people to play with 3.) Want to win!
[spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Recruitment forum. See [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/140393652/0/0]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Recruitment tag and its Destiny LFG uses. Good luck!
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]
Edited by Elvurion: 10/12/2015 11:04:30 AMConsole: Xbox One Gamertag: Elvurion Have mic level 40 titan 280 light I just want to play with people and enjoy the game, playing strike, raids and ofc quests I dont play pvp
Edited by SBA Activities: 10/12/2015 3:38:11 AMConsole:Xbox one Gamer tag- SBA Activities Level 30 Titan 142 light Just want someone to do missions with 😀
Looking for people to play with and do quest strikes raids dailys add me poision p Australian Got mic
Xbox One GT: Ranga814 Lvl: 301 titan, 300 Hunter, 297 warlock Mic: Yes Have no friend on xbox one as they are all still on xbox 360
Warlock light lvl 278 - 281 I wanna join any fireteam and do stuff Add K3NY_BOY_1380 on PS4
Edited by xX Billiford Xx: 10/10/2015 10:08:37 PMJust need some friends to do raids or 32+ PoE with. I currently do not own TTK but i don't let that stop me from raiding for amazing loot. Just playing for fun and to have a good time. Felllow raiders please add me so we together can achieve glory! Thanks. P.s. having mic complications at the moment console: XB1 GT: FaintCalf90412 (sorry its so comlicated) WARLOCK 34 Light *160*
Xbox One Roxxas17 Warlock Lvl 40 Just started a Titan (Lvl 28)
Edited by Cochise42: 10/10/2015 12:25:31 AMPS3 Cochise-42 Hunter Lvl 40 I have mic and speak English Need to do raids and story, but mostly raids Only Lvl35+
hello my gamer tag is robseg8 xbox one im a level 40 hunter with 237 light looking for friends to play casually and do some raids
PSN Juiceaintfree 296 Titan. Timezone: Mountain Looking for a core group to play/raid with. I am always willing to help others with quests or whatever is needed to better a guardian. I enjoy all aspects of the game. I work nights so I play a lot during the day. lets all stop being lone wolves and lets do this thing!
Level 40 light 265 warlock ps4 w mic looking for ppl to play with.
Edited by R1char1zard: 10/8/2015 7:03:59 PMPS4 Titan level 40 light level 280, looking for people to do nightfall strikes and raid with PSN ID: R1char1zard
Falliase is my gamertag. I am level 40 Warlock on the Ps4. My name is Bri :) Im just looking for some Ps4 friends, I just got it. You can also look me up as Bri Kilcrease. :D
Gamertag: Tmas103 Hunter -- Level 40 - Current Light Level 261 PS4 ! My name is Thomas, from the Los Angeles, CA :) Tryna add some dope people who can help me along with missions/raids/strikes/etc. Hit me up, I'm always on when I'm not at work or school.
Edited by HiT MaN 213: 10/8/2015 8:33:51 PMXbox One Level 40 Titan 290 Light with Warlock 40 Light 275 and Hunter 36 Gamertag: Hit Man 213 Looking for Anyone to play the game with and have fun. I play all the time and enjoy doing anything with a fireteam :) Mic: Yes
Xbox one Level 40 hunter 240 light straybreezeey Looking for anyone to enjoy the game with
Do people actually end up being friends on here lol
Level 40 hunter . X box one . Looking for people to do nightfall and high leveled strikes . Gamer tag is - Itz FLUX TITAN
Dooio, LV 40 Hunter 218 light, Xbox one. Looking for new people to meet and people to casually play
Hey My gamertag is Fading Nova. I'm a level 40 warlock with 258 light on Xbox one. I'm just looking to have a fireteam that I can have fun with and help me progress. I play very often, and I really want to do some raids. So I'd prefer someone that owns all dlcs cx and has a mic. Feel free to add me! c:
Edited by Quikinn: 10/6/2015 7:40:53 AMHello Gamertag: Quikinn (xbox one) Void Warlock 295 Light Just looking for friends for destiny, play often, looking to do nightfalls and raids.
Mastergigin, Titan, 40, xbox one,