Put in you Gamertag, Gaurdian Class/Level & game console.... IF you 1.) work well with others, 2.) Looking for people to play with 3.) Want to win!
[spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Recruitment forum. See [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/140393652/0/0]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Recruitment tag and its Destiny LFG uses. Good luck!
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]
BiffamanD, lvl32 Warlock, lvl31 hunter/ titan. PS4. Looking for raiding buddies mainly, but will help on other things.
iiKoolaidKiller 32hunter 31titan 29warlock ps4 hit me up.
xxlittlemix223xx Hunter Level: 31 Ps4
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXGobutnyJO0sn-_tP8V0Mg Eighth kind Xbox one
Hamir_the_GOAT Hunter Level 32 Like helping lower levels with raids and stuff. PS4
Xbox 360 Tag: N3XUS ELlTE (the l in ELITE is a lower case L) level 31 warlock 30 hunter 28 titan I'm primarily looking for help with VOG
Edited by SammyKight: 3/20/2015 12:13:23 PMTag: SammyKight Class: Warlock Level: 19 and rising fast Platform: PS4
Edited by iLuvyy: 3/15/2015 11:22:44 PMXbox 360. I need serious friends to game with on destiny on the 360. No squeakers and please talk! I also play gta 5 a lot as well. I literally don't have people to game with 95% of the time. GT: killerxsly East coast
Edited by x TFour x: 3/19/2015 7:54:43 AMXbox 360 game tag is x TFour x Titan 32 Warlock 30 Hunter 29 Can help with most of the game. Not too knowledgeable with the raids but don't mind lending a hand. Have mic but strict NAT settings and can't change them atm. Just send me a msg
LX-ShotzzGOTEM PS4 LEVEL 31HUNTER AND 25WARLOCK I NEED HELP WITH CROTA AND IM looking for friends just to play with and have fun
Ps4, Level 28 warlock looking for fun and friendly people to play destiny with. Any stories, bounties, strikes - I'm game. I have ran VOG once, but was carried. Would like to learn what/how it goes and hints and tricks etc ^_^ Have the expansion also. Just add me Lozzy_bear Tar!
Lf players to play with I have an xbox on gt myjayx08, I have a 32 titan got full gear and weapons I enjoy raiding, crucible and strikes. I do both weekly and nightfall. Just looking for some new friends to start playing with Add me guys gt myjayx08
32 hunter on playstation 4..im up for helping anyone with anything..from raids to story to bounties to strikes.psn is sn1cklefr1tz1
PS4 ThePhoenixRises_ Hunter Level 30
Sabin229 Ps4 Lvl 30 warlock
GT: Blkmustang Xbox 1 Hunter lvl 25 and Warlock lvl 25 East coast time Need friends for the dark below.
Xbox 360 level 29 Titan and hunter Need friends for raids and nightfall I have a mic aswell. Gt same as above Uk time work most days so don't get on till 6ish
xz0m81ex Titan/Warlock lvl 31's xb1 Looking for people to play with - Crucible, strikes, weeklies Add me
[Xbox 360] Hey! I have a 2.0 K/D and I'm #3 in Oregon for crucible and #150 in the Country. I m looking for good players who like Iron Banner. Add me!
Gt dj never sleeps 32 Titan 31 hunter 31 warlock Xbox one
KSIxWickedNinja 31 Hunter and Warlock Xbox 360
I1 FATAL1TY N7 30 Titan 27 Hunter XB1
Xbox One PVT Elliott 408 Hunter 31
XBOX 360 Gamer tag - Hybridtheory16 32 Warlock, 32 Titan, 32 Hunter Send me a request if you: - Are a really good swordbearer - Are level 26-32 who needs help w raids and stuff :)