Put in you Gamertag, Gaurdian Class/Level & game console.... IF you 1.) work well with others, 2.) Looking for people to play with 3.) Want to win!
[spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Recruitment forum. See [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/140393652/0/0]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Recruitment tag and its Destiny LFG uses. Good luck!
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]
Edited by sothenrobsaid: 2/6/2015 4:43:37 PMGuardians, My buddy Turtleman and I have been looking for a consistent group of folks to raid with and even possibly expand our FKDR Clan on PS4. I have all three characters (32, 31, and 31) and really would enjoy playing alongside people whom are relaxed about gaming, but also show that competitive spirit and (legitimately!) want to conquer everything Destiny throws our way. Happy hunting, Guardians.
Xbox 1 Gt myl0tt Warlock 32 Hunter 32 Titan 28 GMT PVE mostly raids nightfall
Ps4 : Necro3113 warlock lvl 27 want to have casual gaming friends. do strikes weeklies and possibly raids. add me!! :)
BNutz-87 Hunter 25 PS3 want to complete raids..ect GMT+0
icemanrb Titan-31 Hunter-29/30 (depending on equipment) Warlock-30 I am either on xbone or 360. I have a mic for both. Would like to try the raids, at least on normal. Never been through them, want to see what the fuss is about. Generally available on weekends, week nights. CST time zone.
seanzilla615 Titan/26 Xbox 1 I work well with others and want to play with other people.
Exodus356 Psn/ PS3 lvl 3 Titan Looking for some people to play and level with to make way more fun. Send me a friend request. Thanks
Hello, I'm a mature female looking for friends who love Destiny. My old ones have gone elsewhere. I have three 32 hunters. Xbox one. GT iMnAZone I play all the time.
32 lock 32 Titan 28 hunter Raid all the time Play most days:) Add B4llsagna707 Ps4
32 Hunter 32 Warlock 32 Titan I play for the fun of it. If we can't beat Crota on HM, we will the next time :D
PS4 PSN: andersonfootball Level 32 Hunter (have killed Crota many times) Level 32 Titan Level 30 Hunter (going to delete for a warlock) Play everyday for the most part and raid a lot. If you need help or anything else just let me know.
s4ggin Xbox one 30 warlock Microphone Team player Just need some god damn friends to play with Literally anything
Xbox one Gamer tag: KingofBucks308 Hunter lvl 25 Looking for a group to teach me how to do the vault of glass
moleyDTD Xbox ONE 31 Titan Defender 27 Warlock Looking for literally anyone to do Raids (Crota particularly) but VOG is cool yo Send a friend request, im on everyday. Thanks
Xbox one Username: Vkidz (not a kid, long story) My main is a Titan 27 My other two aren't worth mentioning. I'm looking for a group of people who can teach me the Vault of Glass and hopefully later on Croats End. Feel free to add me if you want a decent weekend player in your squad
Pogiflip Xboxone 31 warlock 32 hunter 31 Titan Mainly play solo but would like to play with friendly individuals in raids weekly and nightfall. In mountain time mainly play m-f nights and weekends mostly all day.
Edited by imatoffee: 2/5/2015 2:52:15 AMGT: imatoffee PS4 Lvl 30 Titan Need a fireteam for VoG, Crota & Nightfall missions. 1st time on raids so would prefer Normal at the moment until I rank up with some decent firepower. On most weekdays but not so much on the weekend. UK time zone.
Gamertag:LostCub85 Xbox One Level 30 Hunter(Gunslinger) If any of you want to do Aetheon checkpoint on HARD I have it. Please have a MIC and be respectful to others as we play. If you're the type to RAGE QUIT then don't bother wasting your time. Stay blessed
GT: SiL3nT Ghostz Console: 360 Lvl: 31 going on 32 Things I do: RAID, nightfall, but mainly raid, have 4 days clocked in raiding lol. Only on on the weekends though which for me is Friday-sunday due to sports and classes and such.
KRwN_APOCALIPTIC PS4 Warlock and hunter both 32. West coast time. Looking for chill and patient players to raid with.
Daisukemito I have a level 29 hunter Ps4 Looking for friends to chat and game with
Hunter, 28, ps4
Slackantwon13 Level 24 hunter Xbox One Weekly heroic strike
Edited by hearelee: 2/3/2015 11:43:47 PMhearelee Ps4 Level 27 Warlock Always down for whatever I play when I can
Capedcrusader373 Ps4 Level 30 Warlock Looking for people to do the vault of glass, and possibly croats end. I play when I can . Central time
XBOX ONE CoMpLeX pOiSoN Warlock lvl 2 (just starting out) And I'm always down to do whatever I play nights (10:30CT till however late)