Put in you Gamertag, Gaurdian Class/Level & game console.... IF you 1.) work well with others, 2.) Looking for people to play with 3.) Want to win!
[spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Recruitment forum. See [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/140393652/0/0]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Recruitment tag and its Destiny LFG uses. Good luck!
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]
PSN: neocomo Class/Level: Warlock 28 Looking for some fellow Guardians to do Raids, Strikes, and etc. with. Mostly just for a fun time in the Light. See you starside.
Ps4:mrslx Looking for folks on the older side to run raids and weeklies with in PST. I play a lot but can only find 3 hrs for raids later in the week and weekends. I don't care if you're bad at the game, teach me and I'll teach you. Have max: ib, vex, hunger of crota etc Primary: lvl 32 lock Alts: lock and Titan.
I enjoy long walks on the beaches littered with the corpses of my foes. Sometimes I dabble in finger painting to really channel my inner child. I prefer hostess products and am not adverse to doing numerous accents. Balls in your court
PS4 level 25 Titan. I have mic but not a great one. Looking to do weekly strike, raids or anything. GT: jakem998
Gamer tag is NicoRage79, Lvl 30 Hunter. I'm on PS4, looking for people to do strikes and raids with. Happy to help anyone trying to level up
PS4 level 24 warlock i have a mic, need someone to do weekly heroic strike, and Im up for anything else
PS4 level 25 Hunter. PSN ID: Ehitzari, looking for help with weekly heroic, nightfall , and other missions.
I play on PS4 GT: Yoshi2D Warlock lv 24 I need allies to do weekly strike with!
RufusxDavid Lvl 31 Titan Lvl 29 Warlock Lvl 28 Hunter(currently a second titan to try for gloves since they won't drop XD) On 360 mostly, have access to the one
Level 25 titian on Xbox 360
IceNineKillz69 level 25 hunter Xbox One looking for people to do VoG with and strikes
PS4: Matthais64 Hunter 25+ Have mic
Nice post here. Love it
Level 30 Hunter and level 28 warlock GT:xGnAsHtYxSOLID XBOX ONE
Lvl 26 hunter Xbox one
PS4: MeathHead Hunter 28 Have DLC looking to do strikes, raids, etc.
Angelspawn999 Lvl 7 hunter Xbox one Looking for someone to play story and eventually do raids.
XB1 [b]LadySakura29[/b] 1 warlock 31 1 warlock 30 1 titan 31 Have a mic and help with everything :) need a clan? [b]HighlyEducated[/b] : https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Xbox/609246
Ps4 : gotpaint Lvl 23 hunter ... Looking for grouping in general (dailys,weeklys,strikes,crucible) I have a mic and am on week nights est until about 11pm.
Overlordlaharl1 Hunter level 31 Titan level 28 Warlock level 24 Down for whatever. Usually on 10am central to 2pm central and 10pm central to 3am central
Ps4 dion2dd Level 25 titan Looking to do strikes, raids and weeklies. I have a mic
Ps4:SoFatuhL lvl 25 hunter looking for people to do strikes, quests, and games with Have mic
Ps4 Rickomatic Lvl 19 Titan Looking for some people to play the story and raids with
PS4 aueeecara lvl 8 hunter, lf friends for everything :)
Level 8 titan looking for help to run story and get to 20 PS4 ImOrTaLLy_GiFtEd
IceInTheFreezer Titan Lvl 7 PS4