So back in late October I had the pleasure of going to the opening night of Ghosts in the Machine, an exhibit of Destiny Concept Art straight from the Concept Artists at Bungie, hosted at the [url=]LTD Art Gallery[/url] in Seattle. I [url=]covered the event extensively on[/url], but never did I dream of actually owning one of the pieces that were being sold for charity. Luckily, my Family is completely awesome, and the morning after the opening night they went behind my back and bought me one of the pieces as a Christmas Gift.
Now I am the proud owner of "[url=]The Sanctum[/url]" by Frank Capezzuto. From what I understand, it depicts a Warlock's Laboratory / Study within the walls of The Last City. The piece also came with a [url=]Certificate of Authenticity[/url], which was rather amusingly written. This has been a truly memorable Christmas, and I wanted to share with the community :)
Thanks Hylemom!
Awh you lucky git! I would love for this to be a place in-game for Warlocks. Reminds me of the mage's tower in Skyrim.