If you get a notification saying someone is following you, do you click their picture and follow them back? Some here see followers as a type of currency or clout, while others got in on the early follower-party threads and now have hundreds, and don't really care about the number. Just curious whether you extend the courtesy back to your followers.
Good question.
Yeah my xbl friends,Bungie makes it so that your xbl or psn friends automatically follow and you automatically follow them
Yep :)
Not really, only those who I would pm from time to time.
Kind of. I usually follow them back, and then if they're not interesting I unfollow them a couple days later. The funny thing is that there isn't a notification of me unfollowing them, so they never really realize unless they look through their follower list lol.
I will only follow long face.
Not in that way, no. I follow people on an individual basis. Except for the 'you now follow everybody on your friends list' thing, I don't just follow people without taking into consideration the person him/herself.
Only a few.
Yes. Every time.
Oh! I get it now! You changed your name to Auld Lang Turkey because of [i]Auld Lang Syne![/i]
I've only followed 2 people. I guess I'm just selfish.
Edited by Berk: 8/31/2015 10:36:29 PMRedacted
I only follow people who I think deserve it.
Yes, I have only five followers (three being XBL buddies), so I appreciate them. Makes me feel popular.
XD I have 2 followers and don't know when I got them or who they are.
XD I have 2 followers and had no idea.
Edited by Ad Hoc: 12/29/2013 11:10:15 AMI actually don't, mainly because the Follow system is so pointless. I wouldn't mind if they added a toolbar for Follower's posts. Whenever someone you follow posts, it would pop up as a notification. Of course, there would be an option in the settings to disable it.
I follow no one, and have no followers. Problem solved. [i]-MAZ[/i]
Not enough slots and I already hit the max number. (100)
If we follow our followers, we wouldn't get anywhere, just massing in circles. Someone's gotta lead this damn fort!
Anyone on here that follows me deserves a follow in return, as simple as that. I know in my own mind though who to actually click on to see their activity everyday (even though mine is disabled)
Few times I've been around that track so it's not just gunna happen like that 'cause I ain't no folla' back girl. I ain't no folla' back girl.
i wish i could :( stupid max followed users limit
I follow people if I find their topics interesting and if they are not rude, even if their views differ from mine.