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Fast forward to 09.09.2014. Some of the people getting this game will have played the different classes in the Beta, but far from most. Even those who do, we will need to check and see what changes were made from the Beta, if any.
You have the game. You start it up. You pee your pants a little in excitement. And now, you have to make a choice. A major choice, when it comes to gaming. Warlock, Hunter, or Titan? This choice is huge. Assuming we can port our characters into future Destiny releases, it is one you will live with for years (sure, you can make multiple toons, but only one will have the special place in your heart as your main character).
What could Bungie do with the opening of Destiny to let us seriously try all three classes?
Know a game that does this very well, so you know what class you are choosing?
Know a game that delivers this choice very poorly?
Lets hear it!
my thoughts:
What would make this choice easier:
- A testing arena to try out gameplay against foes
- Very detailed descriptions of each classes play-styles, strengths, & weaknesses
- A short or skippable intro sequence with combat early on, so we can try our Guardian out very quickly in the game, and not lose much time if we decided to restart with a new class.
Warlock for life.