We often find ourselves discouraged by those that can do what we love better than us.
We also often forget that they struggled and put a lot of work to be where they are now.
One doesn't simply wake up one day and have been granted unsurpassed talent in any particular subject.
The time old method of honing your craft is to practice.
But sometimes that isn't enough. You need guiding hands. Support. Reassurance and peers to lean your shoulder on.
In this thread you can discuss your art blocks, inspirations, favorite artists, share tutorials, and give your hand to your fellow artists. Whatever your niche may be, there's someone there to lend an ear and provide a step ahead.
If you have tutorials/videos that may help or artists you find inspiring feel free to share them under the designated sub-thread.
If you want to share your art without a critique say so when you post it.
If you want one make sure to state that.
Some personal guidelines I follow under the cut
1. [b]Use References. [/b]
Unless you know you've got the feel of something completely memorized by heart and hand you should always use a photo to help you. You will learn faster and with less frustration/pain. Even if you're doing a cartoon piece. Cartoons are simply real things simplified.
2. [b]Do not ever learn anatomy from drawings. [/b]
Art is often stylized and it's not always correct. While it's fine to learn style and carve out your own, studying anatomy from other artist's work will hazard fatal mistakes and minimize actual learning.
3. [b]Keep your old doodles. [/b]
Even if you hate them. You can either later reflect on them to see what you've learned, or as what's happened with me, look back at it and realize it was actually very good. You were only being hypercritical. Old drawings can be salvaged, reformed, or stylized into something magnificent.
4. [b][u]Do not be discouraged by other artist's work! [/u][/b]
I cannot tell you how poisonous this is. I am guilty of it and from first hand experience can tell you how detrimental it is. Your work is an expression of yourself. Different art styles doesn't equal being better or worse than someone else. You can admire someone's style without copying or stripping away your own. Instead of being heart broken by "better" work you should learn from them. Ask them questions. Get advice or see how they view their art. Chances are they think they're nothing compared to the artists that [i]they[/i] look up to.
5. [b]Practice and feel good. [/b]
Enjoy what you do. Don't force it or feel you need to draw/create as much as others. For almost all of us art is a hobby. Hobbies are meant to be enjoyed. Create what interests you even if it's not popular or will get everyone's attention. If you have an uncommon style those that indulge in it will appreciate it all the more.
6. [b]Don't be afraid to experiment. [/b]
You'll learn great things you never would have thought you were capable of.
I am a SAI Paint Tool user. I have little to no advice about Photoshop! I am sorry. I also apologize if I haven't commented on everyone's stuff. I will get to it! (or I will at least "like" it so you know you're not forgotten)
I've been very busy and I enjoy giving well thought out help instead of rushing it between work breaks.
Sonic the Wormhog! :D
Smi Im watching you.
I guess dumping these is my way of saying sorry...
Drunken doodle I did the other night...no idea why.
Such a great topic. [spoiler]now if only I could draw......[/spoiler]
Edited by Saleem: 5/29/2014 9:57:48 PMI got bored in school today, so I felt like drawing some cartoonish faces. [spoiler]It wasn't until a little bit ago that I realized how similar this looks to something Zeurel would have made.[/spoiler][spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler]Bump...[/spoiler] [spoiler][/spoiler]
welcum 2 australia c:
Edited by Lilith: 5/29/2014 6:45:29 PM[url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/345/4/f/scenes_from_a_memory_by_nic_squiggy-d4ivn2g.jpg]This is a work in progress, that I think will never get finished, because I lost my PSD with all the layers. All of this is from picture I've taken.[/url] [url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/086/6/5/rundown_street_by_nic_squiggy-d3clu7v.jpg]This I created from a stock photo of an alley that I can't find anymore. :([/url] [url=http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/291/7/f/planet___again_by_nic_squiggy-d311vqx.jpg]And this is all from scratch, using some tutorials...except the stars and shit in the background ripped from google earth sky view.[/url]
I felt like doing a quick little drawing based off whatever I would get off that fantasy character class test Byrne made a thread about. The work itself involves a 4h pencil and 3 different colored pencils that differ from the art class ones (which I haven't seen since they've been packed...) Inspiration draws from Spiral Knights, the picture on the results page, and a little bit of Fire Emblem.
Im just going to use my necro bumping powers here...
I bought a bunch of flipbooks today. Well, not really flipbooks, but the ones I have will do just fine. I am trying to make a flipbook animation, but it is really hard. My worms change from page to page. Then he is skinnier, taller or shorter. It's never right. I read about practicing making the the same character over and over and draw him in each position. But I don't think I can do that. If I try to draw a main worm it's never the same. Even if I decide to draw a main worm, it'll be different the next time. Such difficulty indeed. :0
This is my first flipbook try. I haven't made many frames. I first wanted to try it out and see if I could kinda do it. I am not sure, but I kinda like it. I am horrible at flipping though.
Edited by KrankReality: 5/12/2014 10:23:06 PMhttp://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/118/6/8/dizz_plz_by_ticklespickles-d7gedw4.png http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/131/5/e/an_art_dumparoo_by_ticklespickles-d7hxjoa.png //mass dumps art ahahah just some things I've been doing, trying new styles and such.
Edited by Rhynerd: 5/10/2014 4:22:46 PMThis is a link to a badly taken photo of a work in progress. As you can see for one thing the head needs work, I've already made some changes there but at this point I can't take a shot of it. Though right now I'd say I might need a bit of verbal help with it. To be added: - a left arm, in a sling. - a finished vest and dress shirt - a desk the figure will be sitting behind - stuff on the desk - a coat rack in the back with what looks like a rater beat up military uniform in the back. - other stuff, not too sure on what exactly.
This was probably my 2nd or 3rd attempt at drawing a female. At the time I drew this the FTL craze was still young and I kind of felt like trying to draw one of each for the available crewmate types at the time (as part of a bigger idea involving a video series and me getting a few friends to try and VA but that's been long since shot apart by the Rhynerd Mothership). I only got around to the female human crewmate though, and as you can see I stopped at the belt line, which was partially because some of my fellow classmates liked the look. One reason why I'm sharing this right now it because I'm taking a small break from the WIP and I'm going to make a new attempt at the female form. I think I might be in another "orient face towards left border" phase.
Edited by BioAwoo: 5/6/2014 8:23:29 PMhttp://s1168.photobucket.com/user/BioSmiley/media/imagejpg1_zps30c83721.jpg.html?filters[user]=140152660&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0 God, I suck at links.
DuckTales? What about WormTales? :D
Captured a worm! Some people in a group on facebook which I am a member of are deciding its doom! I'll draw the option that gets the most votes tomorrow. :)
Made another Worms battle! :)
I am working on a comic now. Here's a little peek! :) It has 17 panels so it will take me quite some time to finish it. I think I spent around 3 hours on panel 1, excluding sketching it. I'm just not that fast.
The people have decided. This is the worm its destiny! Being cat food! :D
My latest comic.. :I
Edited by Rhynerd: 5/6/2014 6:32:21 PMAlso allow me to present the color wheel I made in my first semester of college, for Art 2D! Created using acrylic paint (primarily) Bonus points to anybody who can guess what I put into google to find reference pictures.
Moar faces!
Worms Battle #6 I colored some parts to make it easier to see what some things are. :)
Mario meets the Worms! :D