We often find ourselves discouraged by those that can do what we love better than us.
We also often forget that they struggled and put a lot of work to be where they are now.
One doesn't simply wake up one day and have been granted unsurpassed talent in any particular subject.
The time old method of honing your craft is to practice.
But sometimes that isn't enough. You need guiding hands. Support. Reassurance and peers to lean your shoulder on.
In this thread you can discuss your art blocks, inspirations, favorite artists, share tutorials, and give your hand to your fellow artists. Whatever your niche may be, there's someone there to lend an ear and provide a step ahead.
If you have tutorials/videos that may help or artists you find inspiring feel free to share them under the designated sub-thread.
If you want to share your art without a critique say so when you post it.
If you want one make sure to state that.
Some personal guidelines I follow under the cut
1. [b]Use References. [/b]
Unless you know you've got the feel of something completely memorized by heart and hand you should always use a photo to help you. You will learn faster and with less frustration/pain. Even if you're doing a cartoon piece. Cartoons are simply real things simplified.
2. [b]Do not ever learn anatomy from drawings. [/b]
Art is often stylized and it's not always correct. While it's fine to learn style and carve out your own, studying anatomy from other artist's work will hazard fatal mistakes and minimize actual learning.
3. [b]Keep your old doodles. [/b]
Even if you hate them. You can either later reflect on them to see what you've learned, or as what's happened with me, look back at it and realize it was actually very good. You were only being hypercritical. Old drawings can be salvaged, reformed, or stylized into something magnificent.
4. [b][u]Do not be discouraged by other artist's work! [/u][/b]
I cannot tell you how poisonous this is. I am guilty of it and from first hand experience can tell you how detrimental it is. Your work is an expression of yourself. Different art styles doesn't equal being better or worse than someone else. You can admire someone's style without copying or stripping away your own. Instead of being heart broken by "better" work you should learn from them. Ask them questions. Get advice or see how they view their art. Chances are they think they're nothing compared to the artists that [i]they[/i] look up to.
5. [b]Practice and feel good. [/b]
Enjoy what you do. Don't force it or feel you need to draw/create as much as others. For almost all of us art is a hobby. Hobbies are meant to be enjoyed. Create what interests you even if it's not popular or will get everyone's attention. If you have an uncommon style those that indulge in it will appreciate it all the more.
6. [b]Don't be afraid to experiment. [/b]
You'll learn great things you never would have thought you were capable of.
I am a SAI Paint Tool user. I have little to no advice about Photoshop! I am sorry. I also apologize if I haven't commented on everyone's stuff. I will get to it! (or I will at least "like" it so you know you're not forgotten)
I've been very busy and I enjoy giving well thought out help instead of rushing it between work breaks.
My Paint tool SAI trial has ended. :( I now need to buy the software license for it. In order to buy it I need to use paypal or something (which I don't have, but can get I think). But I need to pay 5250 JPY. I searched on Google how much that was in euros and it says 38.27194 EUR. What is that? Like 38 euros?
This was the last thing I made that could be called "artistic." The entirety of my "artistic" endeavors in the last few years could be summed up as: "abusing my software and bandwidth privileges."
Started feeling creative about three minutes ago.
I wanted to do some practice on making bumpy textures with the stuff I was practicing on, and thought about what I could do that was interesting and had a bumpy texture. So I drew an Elite from Halo 4 and threw some stuff down on his skin. Came out not that bad. Also wanted to practice an eye for more detail so his armour was a bonus. Once again, apologies on the bad scan quality. Looks much better in person than pictured here.
I've just made a YouTube account that is called TrexDominion. I'm not very good at art myself. I was wondering if anyone can make me a picture that includes T-Rex's and my Youtube channels username for my "Channel Art" (Green Dino's would be cool) :D
All I did for art..
I didn't even realize how dirty this entire post is till I went through a second time
Would cumming on a piece of paper count as art? I see finger paints sold for thousands!
I saw the word hub and expected a lot more from this post than I got.
I'm an armature photographur. I teak pitures of nature and humins in their natural habitat , like the museum and in churches and at funerals. My camera was $200 $s and I'm texting this message with it right now . I hav fond that if you are in a drak pleace clikc touch what you want to tkea a piture uf and the litning adjusts. Photograpy is all aboot teh litning.
Sorry I just love robots
Ok, I like furries. Just finished this.
Cool animation
Don' t Hate me
Made this at how my situation is right now. :P I did a lazy job on it because I had to do it quick. But I like it anyway. :]
from an anime I just started watching trying to get bettr at shading
Hey, I'm back, guys. It's awesome that this thread is still going on. Here's a sketch of Evil Ryu I did today. The arm is kinda messed up, I should fix it sometime. Thoughts?
Edited by KrankReality: 1/18/2014 3:27:15 PMhttp://oi41.tinypic.com/2e3wjf5.jpg I haven't really been feeling my art as of Late so I only have W.I.Ps. Critiques are welcome. (I need serious help with drawing hands JS)
Liked and followed instantly; this post is such a good idea I may just necrobump it until it's a crime! Yes, YEs, YES! [spoiler]Thanks![/spoiler]
Edited by Looking Glass: 1/13/2014 8:36:45 AMI hope I linked this correctly. Work in progress, thoughts?
Edited by salvucci91: 1/22/2014 11:52:01 PM"We're sorry, Anne !"
I got bored so I made a better version of the wallpaper I posted earlier.
Maybe next time I'll share one of the ones I've done with an ACTUAL background or something, maybe... When I can find one I can bare to look at.
Made a skull! I'm pretty happy about it. :]
Somebody draw me a picture of a wizard smoking a pipe. Please, and thank you.