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12/30/2013 7:13:16 AM

Is it bad that I don't care about NSA/any government surveillance at all?

I really can't seem to give a shit. I don't do anything illegal on the internet (or irl for that matter), and I don't ever plan to, so why should I be concerned that the NSA might know what kind of porn I watch, or what I say to my friends privately? They would never make that information public because they truly have no reason to. Sure, it sucks that they do that, but is it really that big of a deal?

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  • Started a new topic: What is there to defend?(19 Replies))

  • Yeah that's what I think. I have nothing to hide

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  • I have nothing to hide, so I'm not worried about it.

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  • Because they don't have the right to spy on us

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  • [b] [/b]

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    • I dont really care either but I can see why people especially business owners being anxious about it.

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    • Well theirs no privacy for sure other than that it doesn't fell right like someone else is watching lol which is creepy

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    • I am a huge republican and even I disagree with my party on this and support the demon, Obama on it. They don't give a shit for 15 year olds watching porn. They want to stop piracy, and terorism.

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      5 Replies
      • The fact that you don't care means you tacitly allow it to happen, which kinda makes you part of the problem. /food for thought

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        • Because by it's very nature, it's a slippery slope, It works the exact same with banning a particular part of free speech because it is too offensive, soon, another part of free speech will be banned. So what then happens if the NSA decides to overstep its bounds, which it already has(Snowden), when will you be surveilled and harassed for saying something the NSA doesn't like? It truly is only a matter of time until every aspect of your life is monitored if organizations like the NSA are condoned by the populace. [quote]Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. -Benjamin Franklin[/quote]

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        • While what the NSA does may not affect you [i]directly[/i], it affects someone, and what the NSA does to that person or persons may result in negative consequences for you or society generally. For example, if the NSA were to begin stealing digital properties from a firm, that firm may lose a lot of business or revenue and be forced to shut down in an area or file for bankruptcy, costing a number of people their livelihoods. Or, were it found that the NSA spied on a foreign power or company, that nation or business' leadership may begin severing ties with the US government or US businesses, leading to political or economic backlash. It wouldn't hurt you personally, but the consequences of unwarranted surveillance could damage our standing in international relations or our economy. So, I would say it is a big deal. As individuals and a society, we stand to lose much if the NSA gets to do whatever they like.

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        • Edited by dazarobbo: 12/30/2013 3:21:08 PM
          Some more points for why you should feel bad about this: - Proprietary information. Information such as source code, programs, media, etc... which is in some way valuable could be pilfered from your system(s). While you personally may not believe you have any, businesses do. Take Norton, for example. Last year they [url=]had the source code to one of their products stolen and publicly released[/url]. That hurts them in more ways than one as well. - Corporate espionage. The NSA has been [url=]spying on private communications of foreign businesses[/url] that cannot be justified as part of national security. How do we know the information the NSA stole hasn't been traded or sold to other, rival businesses? Are we supposed to just trust that they didn't and at this point? -blam!- no. - Anonymity. If you're on the Internet and deliberately using non-identifying information (which encompasses a huge area), you clearly do value your privacy. - Blackmail. If some entity has a huge amount of information about you, what's stopping them from using it against you to bend you to their will? If you mention that "the government" is the only entity who has access to it, what's stopping an evil-Snowden from popping up and doing what I've just mentioned? - International relations. The US has been breaking into every--blam!-ing-thing on the planet and injecting malware into systems everywhere. They've been spying on and monitoring the phones of multiple leaders of countries, and stolen data from a university in China. That's a state-sanctioned attack on another country. The latest news that they've injected extremely low-level malware into devices like hard disks has also brought a consensus that such actions have damaged the US' technology sector. Multiple businesses from what I've read are also refusing to set up shop or store data in the US because of it, instead opting to use data warehouses overseas. Land of opportunity? Not any more. Edit: I open up the news and what do I see? [url=]IT firms lose billions after NSA scandal exposed by whistleblower Edward Snowden[/url]. - Legal protections and trust. Established legal protections (laws) that protect an individual or business' systems should be respected by government agencies too, as well as the trust that the international community would expect from the US. How hypocritical does it look when you sign up for treaties and join the United Nations then go and do shit like this [i]and[/i] to the extent the NSA (and other countries' "national security" agencies) has done it.

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          12 Replies
          • Don't worry, I don't really care either.

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          • Edited by SuperIrish: 12/30/2013 10:24:57 PM
            Say you uncovered something that put the government in a bad light. Doesn't matter what the situation you found yourself in to get this information, you just have it. If you wanted to anonymously tip-off that they were doing [insert very bad thing here], it's no longer possible if everything you do is being monitored. You get arrested before you can publish the information, it is destroyed and you are in prison, and the general population remain ignorant of the information. Or say you were a political opponent. If the opposing party in power could access your private information and know literally everything about you, what would stop them from using anything against you as blackmail, pull you out of the campaign, etc, etc. I know these are "large scale" examples, but these could be applied to anyone. If someone in the government didn't like you for whatever reason or you were becoming a nuisance over some policy (human rights, foreign policy,etc) what's stopping them from using your own information against you to suppress you? [spoiler]And this is ignoring the fact they've been spying on "Allies" for no given reason. There is no way you can trust a country if they trust no-one else.[/spoiler]

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          • He sees you on the NSA...

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            • If the system works the way they say it does, I have no problem with it. But if they abuse their powers and exploit the information they gather for purposes beside what they claim it is for, reaching beyond what they are supposedly legally allowed to do (i.e. corruption), then I have a problem with it. I guess that's the biggest concern here; do we trust that the government is using its powers responsibly?

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            • In that first graph, what would account for the discrepancy between "Better" and "worse" around 1980?

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            • You're the kind that allows the government to get away with it's shit in the first place. So what if you don't have anything to hide? You still have rights that must be respected but because you don't care then they are ignored. I have nothing to hide myself but I still do care if the government is infringing on my rights or without probable cause. The concept of privacy is just a thing in the past now because people like you allowed it to be so. You don't care if the government disregards your rights? Then please for the love of all mighty pack up all your shit and move to North Korea or China. Just leave this country so my and the millions of rights of others will not be harmed

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              10 Replies
              • The NSA does not monitor every civilian's activities. In fact, they have to get a court order before they're even allowed to spy on a certain individual. Please everyone, get this in your head.

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                • What if the porn you watch is illegal?

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                  1 Reply
                  • I guess the rumours about you performing on webcam are true.

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                    3 Replies
                    • Edited by Thunderjam0: 12/30/2013 7:10:00 PM
                      The NSA makes me think of Varys and Baelish in the ASOIAF series (Game of Thrones books) : "harmless".

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                    • Is this ok too? Do you think there is a line?

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                      • No

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                      • Edited by MSNBC: 12/30/2013 6:37:57 PM
                        I wonder if they see the things I fap to

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                      • And ITT people who don't know the difference between privacy and secrecy. [url=]And the NSA blatantly lied to congress about it.[/url] They wasted >1 billion taxpayer dollars on a failed project known as Trailblazer. [url=]And the surveillance programs are made to waste taxpayer money and to make money for the NSA.[/url]

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