My problem on buying Destiny isn't monetary but what it's going to be rated is.
I know it's not going to be rated anything below T, but from all the gameplay vids it looks like it's going to be rated T.
And please say why you think it'll be rated the rating you chose.
Edited by Cosmic Decimate: 1/7/2014 4:07:00 AMWell I want my guardian to be all like "die muthafackas!!" When I'm shredding big ass cabals. So I say M rating
What's a mild and harsh? T is T and M is M.
I think Destiny will be rated LOL for lolblood lolviolence lolgaming experience may change online
M for Blood Drug reference Violence Brief mild language
I hope mild M
"Mild" M. It's expected to be M but was originally designed to be rated T.
From the looks of gameplay and photos, probably M18+ It's probably rated Blood Intense Violence Language (maybe)
Rated M for "magnificent"!
Mild M just because pretty much every shooter in the world is rated M by the ESRB there days.
I'm hoping for an AO rating, cause let's be honest in the last city there's gonna be a bunch of prostituting for Glimmer That along with the obvious performance enhancing drugs to get you to the top of the Guardian Academy and graduate with honors at being a badass, I just don't see how we can't have an AO rating
In Sweden 16 (maybe 12 but I doubt it since there'll probably be some swearing in it) In Germany 18. In the US M (maybe T).
[quote] but from all the gameplay vids it looks like it's going to be rated T. [/quote] Lol we have seen one gameplay and it was 12 minutes long. What are you talking about?
Just how old are u
M for violence Brief language Blood Alcohol drug reference I hope!
E for everybody!
Forgot to say they're shooting for a T rating on Destiny.
the higher the better...
Sorry I forgot Solid M and Solid T, just say it if that's what you think.
There are space pirates, right? So obviously.... ARRRRRRRRRRR!
T because blood and gore do not make a game any better or worse.
E, should be played by everyone. Anyone agree?
R for Rad!
For those in the UK: Mild T - PEGI 12 Harsh T - PEGI 15 Mild M - PEGI 16 Harsh M - PEGI 18 AO - I really don't know. Banned? Illegal?
Gonna have violence blood and gore probably language and possibly sexual themes I doubt nudity
Mild M or harsh T. If for the violence if nothing else. Might be some swearing or drug use. I doubt sexual content.
Rated: Z for zombies ONLY