Thanks. It helps to have photos as a reference when doing spacey backgrounds. I find it best to start off with a black background, then to think of it as...speckled clouds in a way. I can post a tutorial of sorts if you like.
That's alright. I don't want you to do much hassle haha! I sometimes watch tutorials aswell and it helped me with some things. I need to watch a lot more to get better and ofcourse practice more myself. :]
This ought to help. The app I use allows me to screen cap, then I can export the video.
Neat! It's pretty fun watching how it started. But I got no idea how you did it all haha!
Well... 1. Black Background 2. First layer, dark blue wash/watercolor 3. Second layer, slightly lighter blue, cloud like watercolor. 4. Third layer, light blue stars (lots of them) small white stars. 5. Using a very light blue, I draw in a few light patches, then smudge them in. 6. Bright white stars with a little white glow around them 7. the ship
Huh.. Alrighty.. I think I will draw some space tomorrow! :)
Glad I could help
And you should cotinue making more things like that! They're awesome!