.... but you don't bathe your kids in one!
[url=http://www.khaleejtimes.com/kt-article-display-1.asp?xfile=data/international/2013/September/international_September626.xml§ion=international]An investigation into the mysterious death of two young sisters has been launched in eastern China after a family member claimed they died in a washing machine, police said on Tuesday.[/url]
What in the hell?
[quote]Earlier reports said police had ruled out murder in the case, but the statement made no mention of detectives excluding the possibility of foul play.[/quote]
Someone please tell me how a pair of kids under 4 climb into a washing machine and then start it?
Chinese culture shuns the birth of daughters, so families want boys and will sometimes abandon/kill daughters due to the one child rule. But I believe the rule was change this month however it was too late. China faces a serious population decline.