Anyone else ever gotten a Daily Deviation on DA?
I got one for [url=]this[/url] last year and was really surprised.
I just realized as well. Is that all traditional?
I don't do any digital work atm.
That's -blam!-ing incredible!! The colors are so vibrant. So clean and beautiful. Everything is even, straight, and pretty. You know what you're doing and your damned good at it.
lol thanks. It's mainly because of the tools I use.
You can have the best tools there are out there and still make mediocre work. It's not the tools. It's you! You have to learn how to use what's given to you in order to translate what's in your mind to paper. It's abundantly obvious in your work that you enjoy what you do and you know how to do it well. In all honesty I'm blown away and absolutely inspired but what you create. You're amazing and keep doing what you do!
Oh god that's like too flattering. I'm no where near the level of skill of my favorite artists. But seriously, thanks. Really though, I could never get lines that clean or colors that solid with sharpies or something. The ink bleeds too much and doesn't blend well.
Daily Deviation? I'm not sure I even know what that is! I've never received one on dA D:
Edited by DemonicChronic: 1/5/2014 5:00:52 PMHuh, you know the artwork that appears at the bottom of the page? The mods on DA choose various artworks that they enjoy to be featured on the site for everyone to see for a few days. Yeah scroll down to the bottom of that page and you'll see the current daily deviations.