Oh hey this thread got bumped.
I'm getting better at making something recognizable in a shorter time frame. I only spent about 10 minutes on this little one (not really focusing heavily on it though, it's more of a rough plan for a project in my art class)
I'm kinda infatuated with knights and armor. [spoiler]Seems easier than standard bodies to me.[/spoiler]
I forgot I had [url=http://i.imgur.com/4oQVqww.jpg]this[/url] one, it's many months old. I think I spent probably close to 45 minutes on it.
The thing I'm trying to work on is being quicker :P I'm an incredibly slow drawer, and if I don't finish it I tend to forget about it or am too lazy to work on it further.
In the first photo the upper body is significantly bigger compared to the lower. If you fix those sizes you should be good! As far as drawing quickly, may I ask What's the issue with drawing slowly?
Praise the sun.