Agreed? The COD games have always stayed fun because of quickscoping. It takes skill and accuracy. The intervention was the best sniper and quickscoping sniper in the whole of the cod series along with the barratt Both of these snipers should return in Destiny as they both can easily be included and can be "futurised" quickly.
It would bring fun, just like COD which is a pretty original game.
MW2 was my favorite COD as many other COD fans and the quickscoping mechanic was the main reason. It is fun AND takes a HUGE amount of skill.
Make it happen Bungie, Destiny will take the crown.
If quickscoping returns we will have also have 360 trickshotting which is fun and takes alot of skill. We need more than drag scoping and no scoping.
Make it happen bungie..Make it happen.
You bring shame to your family under the bridge
Bro it's called the No Land Beyond.
Here is the thing friend. COD is not original sadly. It is probably the most common type of shooter available. Secondly, quickscoping is not a actual mechanic in the games. It is something the devs kept in there to keep you buying the same product over and over. Third, this game is not meant to be a COD clone. So perhaps you should go back to COD and enjoy your skill-less quickscoping there. Good day to you scrub. Tip Tip of a Top Hat to You
Quick scoping is/was never fun... I award you no points.
No, leave these forums.
God? no.
Wait what? Not only is quick scoping an overpowered atrocity of the FPS genre, it also bad no relation to last games Bungie has created. Please do some homework and give critical thought before posting, guys.
I'll pass. Because this is a horrible idea.
What you say You no need no INTERVENTATION Quick scope with given weapons ok? Peace
[quote]The COD games have always stayed fun because of quickscoping. It takes skill and accuracy[/quote] Ha. You funny. Also, [i]Ghosts[/i] doesn't feature traditional quick-scoping.
In my opinion, we should scrap our own preconceptions and desires and appreciate what Bungie hands us for what it is. If you want to quick scope or whatever, go play MW2. Let Destiny be whatever they make it and not just a clone of your favorite shooter gimmick.
Obvious troll post is obvious
Actually quick scoping takes no skill or accuracy. With aim assist on just hover over your target zoom in and shoot. 95% of the time you'll get the kill. And if you've played halo at all bungie doesn't do anything like that. Just makes it easy for no scopes. With destiny though I'm not sure about that. It's a whole new game. And if they add that there will be WAY too many try hard string to quickscope. Just leave it out.
Cods big hard on for snipers is stupid. Most light machine-guns use the same calibre but sum how do like a 5th the damage, battle-freeze dues sniping right. Good snipers in cod are nothing special, good snipers in battle field take skill.
yep because quick scoping with aim assist is hard right. nuf said
Edited by BlessedSeraph: 1/9/2014 4:56:48 PMRight?! Anyone who admonishes quick-scoping has no idea how much skill is involved. If you don't like quick-scoping, you're just jealous and butt-hurt. If Destiny doesn't include QS, I will boycott this game and tell all my friends to do the same.