[url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/capital-weather-gang/files/2013/07/DaveRobinson0607.jpg]David Robinson:[/url] Robinson received his PHD in Climatology and is currently one of the leading scientists at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. He currently promotes environmental regulation and clean energy.
[url=http://images.morris.com/images/lubbock/mdControlled/cms/2008/02/09/245286396.jpg]Martha Gomez:[/url] A second generation immigrant from Chile, Gomez was raised in a poor household that relied on food stamps to survive. She received her Masters degree of Political Science in 2001, and has since fought for amnesty and more extensive welfare programs.
[url=http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00682/professor-leonid-hu_682540c.jpg]John Cooper:[/url] A Harvard educated professor, Cooper currently teaches Keynesian economics at Boston University. In recent years, he has become a figure head in the push for more government intervention in the economy.
These are just a few examples of the kind of Low Information Voters that have allowed the Democratic party to take over our great nation. However, before we go into more detail, let's take a look at some people who aren't blinded by Liberal propaganda.
[url=http://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/006/477/redneck_gun_20100526_1984409262.jpg]Hank Gunderson:[/url] Born and raised in Algoma, Mississippi, Hank loves shotguns, gas guzzlers, and any other luxury provided by American Capitalism. Since he dropped out of high school in 1982, Hank has mumbled angrily to himself about taxes and homosexuals.
[url=http://m.gmgrd.co.uk/sbres/600.$plit/C_67_article_2030873_body_articleblock_0_bodyimage.jpg]Abigail Willette:[/url] Seen here invoking the wrath of God almighty, Abigail is a strict Baptist Fundamentalist who doesn't let Liberal science threaten her beliefs. Born in Abbott, Texas, she now resides in Kentucky, where she fights against Gay marriage and the teaching of the Theory of Evolution in public schools.
[url=http://www.newrepublic.com/sites/default/files/migrated/koch3.jpg]Tyler Lynch:[/url] Born in New York City, Tyler is now the owner of a Billion-Dollar-a-Year Multinational Corporation. He worked tirelessly to inherit his father's company and is the quintessential example of the 'pull yourself up by your bootstraps' mentality that makes America the greatest country on Earth. Along with managing his company, Tyler also lobbies for tax cuts, deregulation of business, and the dismantling of the Welfare system.
The three individuals above are the [b]REAL[/b] Americans. Unlike the first three, they refuse to believe the lies of Communist professors and scientists. Unfortunately, they're becoming harder and harder to find. Over the last decade, the Liberal propaganda machine has done everything in their power to disparage them.
That's why I've made this post. The Republican party needs educated voters like yourselves to spread the word. The more Liberals we convert, the stronger the nation becomes. Wondering where to go? Just drop by your local farmer's market and thrift store. Or, if you're feeling brave, one of the newly opened weed shops.
They may resist at first, but once they've been truly informed and educated, they will come to our side.
Don't give up my friends. Remember-- [i]This is for the children.[/i]
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[spoiler]Don't let the Obama Regime force their way into a third term. Vote for Newt Gingrich, '17[/spoiler]
one of the last good trolls i've seen in a while