I can't remember if I've posted in here but I guess I'll just do it regardless x3
Anyway, above is a teaser of something I'm working on (More like procrastinating on) so I've only got a few minutes on it really. Then the stuff below are things that I've been doing with a brush pen, a random red pen and my favorite pencil in the middle of classes an' such.
You have a very matte style of painting Is that intentional or are you working up towards being as realistic as you can be?
Oh that's just kinda laying down what I need so far, I am going to make this realistic but I'd like to keep a little bit of style to it as well. So kinda like [url=http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/136/0/a/to_infinity_and_beyond___by_danluvisiart-d65ga2l.jpg]this[/url]
The only thing I can suggest is smoothing it all out and (if you haven't thought of it already) remembering that the skin has pores/shine and textures. Adding color variations and undertones will really bring it to life. [url=http://www.deviantart.com/art/Skin-Tutorial-90966884]Tutorial [artist] found here[/url]
Oh no yeah don't worry I do add pores and stuff, but I really do need to work on smoothing shit out, thanks for the video an' such :D