Comment the hardest game you have ever played (but not necessarily beaten).
[spoiler]Dark Souls[/spoiler]
If Dark Souls is the hardest game you've ever played, you haven't played very many games. Mega Man 9 is the hardest game I have ever actually played. I am sure the other 2D Mega Man games are harder, but I've only played MM9, X4, and X7 (hue)
Mario kart ds
Ninja Gaiden the second you think you can relax on that die
ZombiU freaking JUMPSCARES!!!
Halo 2 on Legendary.
Dark Souls and the impossible game
I remember, when I was probably 6 or 7, I couldn't beat the boss battle with Count Dooku in the begging of The Revenge of the Sith on the first Lego Star Wars game on my Gameboy Advanced. I was pretty mad at it and it think I'll go with that.
Resident evil 4 on professional difficulty.
Assassins creed
Bubber Ducky
Sonic Adventure 3
Return to castle wolfenstein on any difficulty above don't hurt me
Dark Souls
Dark Souls, can't kill the stupid gargoyle monster >:/ [spoiler]I have to stop and count to ten every once in a while[/spoiler]
No Gear run of OP8 with krieg in Borderlands 2 For those who don't know that means enemies get roughly 75% straight up damage reduction, and with no gear to boot
Original Sonic The Hedgehog.
Dark Souls
Star Wars the old republic both one and two ! Three is the easiest
Any Halo on legendary I don't have the patience for it
Dark souls, still playing it though .
I wanna be the guy
Call of duty. Oh wait, just kidding
Superman 64 SOLVE MY MAZE
Honestly, Deus Ex: Human Revolution; hardest game ever!
FTL. Kicked my trash so many times.