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1/14/2014 9:32:07 PM

weirdest dream wins

What's the weirdest dream you've ever had? Tell the whole story or give a short synopsis. Me? I was at my grandmothers house and a rabid black and brown spotted giraffe with razor sharp teeth attacked me and my cousins. I jumped into a 50ft tall dead tree and when I jumped back down my cousins had been eaten and the giraffe was gone. End of dream. Weirdest dream wins.

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  • If I posted my weirdest dream, I'd definitely win....but I'd also be banned.

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    • [quote]So, at about 6:20 am, I hit the snooze button and go back to sleep for a few mins. As soon as I hit the pillow, I imagine that I'm Colonel Sanders, dressed as an old style judge (wig, red cloak etc), in what appears to be a courtroom. Either side of me are two grey cloaked Colonel Sanders judges for some reason. I make my way to an alter, and realise that this is church, and face a mostly black (with one or two white women) congregation. A large group of young indian girls in primary school uniforms are bulging over a balcony at the top. I then address the congregation, by reading from the 'bible' about how race integration is evil, and that we should remain pure. For some reason, a black and white Nat Geo pic of a happy african tribe is in the bible as well, along with what I can only assume is concept art of a humanoid pickahu in a half final fantasy/half assassins creed outfit. Then, a white woman starts an argument with a black member of the audience, who retaliates, in what I can only describe as really hammy, over the top arguing, like if Tommy Wiseau had written it. The congregation erupts into hammy chaos, and before I can restore order, the Indian girls start heckling and throw a shoe at me. Then I wake up.[/quote]

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      Bec Rizk ❤️ - old

      I [i]dreamt[/i] I, along with other children In rags were working in a roofless sweatshop in Germany during a raining, stormy night

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      Once I dreamed that I was driving a stroller that contained an elderly woman and my at-the-time crush, both in diapers, on the bow of the Titanic. As the ship neared New York City, we sailed beneath the sandals of the Statue of Liberty. In another dream, when I was much younger, I was speaking to my cat on the living room couch. After I spoke, my cat looked me straight in the eyes and said in a hoarse, cold voice: [i]"What is the worth of a penniless man? For a penniless man you are."[/i]

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    • I was making a sandcastle on my blue couch when broccoli aliens burst through my garage with these yellow red laser guns. So I run back to my parents' room and they have all turned into store mannequins without any heads and they're all dressed in wedding clothes. So I turn back and run down the hall but I run right into the aliens. --END--

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      • I would but my most abnormal are usually NSFW and I don't wanna get punched in the dick.

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        • I woke up in the woods for some reason not knowing where I was or how I got there. The world had minecraft logic where you could get wood by punching trees, etc. It also had low gravity when you jumped so you could float around. I guess I had these weird visions of some bad event and I found a field where a plane crashed and then I started crying as I remembered my father dying in the crash. I don't know what happened after that.

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        • Edited by Mr Shaft: 1/14/2014 11:09:36 PM
          Like a noire, I was at the bottom of a large winding mountain jutting out of the ocean. I see myself looking up at Elmo, a good 200 foot above me. Elmo is then thrust off the edge and silently falls belly-first into a jagged rock, his blood spilling everywhere and he dies instantly. The camera pans up and round the mountain to see a cloaked figure at the top, his face covered in black mist by a hood. The camera continues to zoom into his hood and reveals a terrifying Skeletor-like face. Gave me a fright and I woke up.

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          • [quote]Once i dreamt i was a crab in Medieval England and my crab people were sick of living in sea poverty, being eaten by seagulls n shit, so we rised up out of the sea and fought the king dude's knights. We overthrew the kingdom and used the catapults to shoot down all the asshole seagulls. But then there was a voodoo seagull black magic guy and it summoned a -blam!-ing massive portal that I and my people were sucked into and we were enslaved by trees with chodes in an alternate realm and we had to use the power of tits and 70's disco music to set us free [spoiler]i dont even know[/spoiler][/quote]

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            • This takes me back to my Sophomore year. I had a terrible tumour in my earlobe, so I went to the Doctor, and he diagnosed it to be earlobe cancer. He said it had to be removed immediately, as it was the deadliest form of cancer. The slutty anaesthesiologist put me under, and when I awoke, I was in a dark room with nothing but a skylight letting moonlight through. My friend Alex swivelled around to face me in a big ominous chair, and he was petting a white cat. He explained that he intended to use the power harnessed from the earlobe tumour to turn everyone in the world into a Mexican, and then Obama rappelled through the skylight dressed as Captain America, and punched him in the face. He melted into a puddle, but his face was still there, and then Obama yelled "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a bailout!" He then activated a pair of rocket boots the were propelled by money instead of fuel. Then I woke up.

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            • I had a dream I was walking through the mall naked when an old women walked out with scissors and cut my penis off. But, intstead of my penis falling away from my body, my body fell away from my penis. It was like a 3rd person view on a game. My awareness hovered just behind my floating penis. It flew around, in a sort of noclip mode, until I finally woke up.

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              • Not weird as in wacky, but weird because I absolutely 100% thought it was real. I had general anesthesia for the first time the other day, and it was a strange feeling. The doctor put in the IV and started making small talk, asking general questions about school and talking about when he was in school, etc. Each thing he asked took me longer and longer to reply to, even though they were very simple things. Eventually I just stopped talking. The next thing I know, I've ascended past this plane of existence and I'm flying through space, until I meet some ethereal beings who tell me that the world I came from is nothing more than an illusion and that we are all beings made of pure energy. At that moment I achieved complete Enlightenment and flew with the beings through countless dimensions of space, in a form in which time had no meaning. I understood everything and I knew that emptiness and totality are one and the same. Then I'm suddenly throwing up into a bedpan and the ride is over.

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                • Edited by WombRaider: 1/14/2014 10:57:19 PM
                  Had a dream I met justin bieber and we chilled. I asked him how smashing Selena Gomez was, and he was like that shit was tight, you want next with her? I said yes. Then I woke up.

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                  • I had a very racist dream last night.

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                  • I've had a lot of strange dreams. Nothing that would count as the weirdest, but... I once had a dream of being Chewbacca fighting for my life in the second Death Star against spider-xenomorph hybrids.

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                    • You win

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