I have been warned about the likes of you; but should I [i]really[/i] take [url=http://www.bungie.net/7_self-defeat/en/view/profile/index#!page=index&mid=2880500]Self Defeat[/url]'s word for it that you are all filthy and distasteful?
Edited by RIP Tuna Man™: 1/15/2014 3:06:37 PMHi... You will see me in many political/ controversial threads. I spend time researching everything I post and make sure i have valid information before making a fool of myself. I browse through the AllTopics section but normally find myself in OffTopic threads. I disappear a lot but am always back within a week or so. And you should heed the warning. There are many, MANY trolls and general idiots in OffTopic. Also people tend to not hold back if you disagree with them. I know this is a late post but the thread got bumped so i might as well introduce myself.