[url=http://www.lcsun-news.com/las_cruces-news/ci_24921347/suspects-family-heartbroken-over-roswell-shooting]The shooter's family that is.[/url]
Personally: I'm glad they are sad.
Because that absolves them of their guilt and their failure as parents and decent human beings to ensure that they talk with their son and to find out if he has any troubles that bother him. No to mention it absolves them of the responsibility to ensure that the shotgun and the ammunition was in a safe and secured location.
What's disturbing is that this lunatic will be released upon the public again since he's only 12.
Edited by petitminuo: 1/17/2014 12:44:22 AMWake up America, bun guns from civilian hands Whoever says doing so won't make a difference is a -blam!-ing idiot who probably owns one himself
What the hell did he shoot? The family's dogs? Uncle Ben's favourite gay couple? Two of mom's dildo collection?
you've gone incoherent Methew.
I can not even begin to fathom how a child was brought up, and how they were taught about guns to want to use one on another person for no good reason. It's truly beyond me, and I fully blame the parents, for a child of that age.
Lets loosen up the gun laws.
How many times a week do these things happen? I mean seriously!
[quote]The 11-year-old boy who was [b]shot in the face[/b] and neck remained in [b]critical condition[/b] [/quote] [quote]the [b]injured[/b] boy has asked that his name be withheld [b]while he recovers.[/b][/quote] I only got shot in face with a shotgun, I'll get over it. -_-
I can't count the number of times something like this could have been solved with proper gun education and safety precautions. Why aren't people required to take a class before they buy a deadly weapon?
You've gone incohenren me- Wait... it's not fun if your name is actually methew...
This thread
I don't understand why the parents are trying to figure out how everything happened, like they just can't understand how something like this could happen. I would think that it would be pretty damn obvious. The kid has mental problems, gets a fun from his house and takes it to school. Kid goes in and shoots a couple kids for any number of reasons.
Edited by Banned Tyger: 1/19/2014 11:02:00 PMBan families
You've gone incoherent, Methew. OT: This is a depressing story
Edited by Plasma Prestige: 1/19/2014 5:28:31 AMI am going to get a lot of criticism for this, but it has to be said: the gun culture in the United States absolutely absurd. It is absurd when twenty first graders are shot in school and we shrug it off. It is absurd when a man in a movie theater is shot for texting his daughter. It is absurd when people defend gun ownership by declaring self-defense from the "tyranny" of the government. Let's be perfectly honest here. If the government wanted to take your guns away, they could do it quite easily. If this government is truly as tyrannical and malicious as right wing nuts proclaim, then there is no amount of ammunition and no assortment of assault weapons that can stop the most powerful military in the world from stomping you down. Your masculine "you'll have to pry the gun out of my dead hands" mentality is childish. If we need to resort to armed individual rebellion to maintain our republic, suffice it to say that our republic no longer exists.
Guns save lives.
Edited by MoReCoWbELLx2x1: 1/17/2014 12:32:20 AM[quote]Here come the horde of butthurt Brits to complain about guns yet again.[/quote] Also, this is the parents faults. They should have had the gun locked up and the ammo hidden. When I was a kid if I even went and touched my dads gun case i would've been in so much trouble, it made me not want to even try.
That's what happens when parents do not take the right precautions. Still something sad, but something that could have been easily prevented.
The only 12 year old with a shotgun here is yourself, Methew.
Bad parenting. C'mon guys.
Edited by BaconShelf: 1/19/2014 10:25:21 AMGood aim. I went shooting on time and had trouble hitting cans. [spoiler]Unless they were all in a big group.[/spoiler]
Edited by Decimator Omega: 1/19/2014 9:15:35 AMStupid kid. I hope he gets tried as an adult.
It's the gun's fault, not the shooter's. [spoiler]if you agree with the above statement, you are probably retarded[/spoiler]
I live in that state :3
another school shooting? [i]Andrea Leon, a 13-year-old eighth grader at Berrendo, said students have completed so many drills that some started laughing when the shots first rang out "because they thought it was fake."[/i] gotta love schools these days that are like prisons where 'lockdowns' occur lol
But if they secured the ammo too separately from the gun, how would they defend their home in a robbery? It's entirely the twelve year old's fault. Who doesn't know right from wrong at 12? The moment he picked up that gun he became a common criminal and a thief. If he survived, he should be charged as an adult and executed.